

Zwentibold (870 – August 13 900) was the illegimate son of the Emperor Arnulf of Carinthia. [Collins 1999, p. 360] In 895 his father granted him the Kingdom of Lotharingia, which he ruled until his death. [Collins 1999, p. 360]

Zwentibold first intervened in the scramble for the throne in West Francia between Odo, Count of Paris and Charles the Simple, but they began to cooperate against Zwentibold, when it became apparent that Zwentibold wanted to become king of West Francia himself.

Zwentibold was accepted by the nobility in Lotharingia, but he helped the common population too much and began to be hated in a few years among the nobility. Zwentibold was fighting unruly nobles when his father died in 899. Arnulfs legitimate son Louis the Child became king of East Francia. [Collins 1999, p. 360] Zwentibold attempted to take advantage of the succession of his young half-brother to establish complete independence for his kingdom. However, the entire nobility supported Louis and asked him to intervene. In 900, Count Reginar I of Hainault rose against Zwentibold and slew him near present-day Susteren.

After Zwentibold's death, his half-brother Louis the Child also became king of Lotharingia, but the realm was administered by a duke, since 904 by the Conradine Gebhard of Franconia.

Zwentibold was named after his godfather, king Svatopluk I of Great Moravia (Zwentibold being a Frankish transcription of Svatopluk).



*Collins, Roger (1999). "Early Medieval Europe 300-1000", 2nd edition. Palgrave


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