Walter Hardwick

Walter Hardwick

Walter Hardwick (b. May 3 1932, Vancouver; d. June 9, 2005), 1997 Order of BC recipient, was a distinguished community leader for many decades.

Professor Emeritus Hardwick expressed in many ways his service for the people of British Columbia through his involvement in public life at the civic, regional, provincial, national and international levels. His longest service to the Province had been through his teaching and scholarship. As an inspiring teacher, he was based in the Department of Geography at UBC for over 30 years. In 1975, Dr Hardwick was appointed Director of Continuing Education at UBC, a post he relinquished in 1976 to serve as Deputy Minister of Education, Science and Technology in the Social Credit government of Bill Bennett, and was instrumental in establishing both the Open Learning Institute and the Knowledge.

During his long and varied career, he significantly shaped the City and metropolitan region of Vancouver, and helped found the centralist civic party, TEAM (The Electors Action Movement). He served on Council from 1969 to 1974, and played a pivotal advisory role in the city's redevelopment of the False Creek area. Later in his career, he was invited to serve on, and chair, the Canadian Capital Commission, with a mandate related to the planning of Ottawa.

In 2000, Dr. Walter Hardwick, one of North America's leading urban geographers, was recognized with an honorary degree from UBC. Currently, a UBC Urban Geography Award and scholarship has been established in his name: [|The Walter G. Hardwick Scholarship in Urban Studies] .

External links

[| UBC Geography]
[ | personal website with info on TEAM]

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