List of Second World War Victoria Cross recipients

List of Second World War Victoria Cross recipients

182 Victoria Crosses were awarded to 181 service personnel for gallant acts carried out during the Second World War. The following 180 recipients were awarded the Victoria Cross for the Second World War (1939–1945). Charles Upham received the Victoria Cross and bar; two awards for two separate acts.

A to E

*Arthur Louis Aaron - 1943; Turin, Italy-air action
*Abdul Hafiz - 1944; Imphal, India
*Agansing Rai - 1944; Bishenpur, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Ali Haidar - 1945; Fusignano, Italy
*Michael Allmand - 1944; Pin Hmi Road Bridge, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Charles Groves Wright Anderson - 1942; Muar River, Malaya
*Eric Anderson - 1943; Wadi Akarit, Tunisia
*John Thompson McKellar Anderson - 1943; Longstop Hill, Tunisia
*Richard Wallace Annand - 1940; River Dyle, Belgium
*Cyril Joe Barton - 1944; Nuremberg, Germany-air action
*John Daniel Baskeyfield - 1944; Arnhem, Holland
*Sidney Bates - 1944; Sourdeval, France
*Ian Willoughby Bazalgette - 1944; Trossy St. Maximin, France-air action
*Stephen Halden Beattie - 1942; St. Nazaire, France
*John Beeley - 1941; Sidi Rezegh, Libya
*Bhanbhagta Gurung - 1945; Tamandu, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Bhandari Ram - 1944; Arakan, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Frank Gerald Blaker - 1944; Taunghi, Burma (now Myanmar)
*John Henry Cound Brunt - 1944; Faenza, Italy
*Richard Henry Burton - 1944; Monte Ceco, Italy
*Robert Henry Cain - 1944; Arnhem, Holland
*George Albert Cairns - 1944; Henu Block, Burma (now Myanmar)
* Donald Cameron - 1943; Kaafjord, Norway
*John Charles Campbell - 1941; Sidi Rezegh, Libya
*Kenneth Campbell - 6 April 1941; Brest, France
*Lorne MacLaine Campbell - 6 April 1943; Wadi Akarit, Tunisia
*Edward Colquhoun Charlton - 21 April 1945; Wistedt Germany
*Edward Thomas Chapman - 1945; Dortmund-Ems canal, Germany
*Leonard Geoffrey Cheshire — 1940; Germany
*Chhelu Ram - 1943; Djebel Garci, Tunisia
*Albert Chowne - 1945; Dagua, New Guinea
*Wilwood Alexander Sandys Clarke - 1943; Guiriat El Atach, Tunisia
*Aubrey Cosens - 1945; Mooshof, Germany
*John Alexander Cruickshank - 1944; Atlantic-air action
*Arthur Edward Cumming - 1942; Kuantan, Malaya
*David Vivian Currie - 1944; Battle of Falaise, France
*Arthur Roden Cutler - 1941; Merdjayoun-Damour, Lebanon
*Thomas Currie Derrick - 1943; Sattelberg, New Guinea
*Dennis Donnini - 1945; Roer, Holland
*Thomas Frank Durrant - 1942; St. Nazaire, France
*George Harold Eardley - 1944; Overloon, Holland
*John Hurst Edmondson - 1941; Tobruk, Libya
*Hughie Idwal Edwards - 1941; Bremen, Germany-air action
*Keith Elliott - 1942; Ruweisat, Egypt
*Harold Marcus Ervine-Andrews - 1940; Dunkirk, France
*Eugene Esmonde - 1942; Straits of Dover, England-air action

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*Fazal Din - 1945; Meiktila, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Edward Stephen Fogarty Fegen - 1940; Atlantic
*Henry Robert Bowreman Foote - 1942; Libya
*John Weir Foote - 1942; Dieppe, France
*Ian Edward Fraser - 1945; Johore Straits, Singapore
*John Alexander French - 1942; Milne Bay, New Guinea
*The Hon. Christopher Furness - 1940; Arras, France
*Gaje Ghale - 1943; Chin Hills, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Ganju Lama - 1944; Ningthoukhong, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Philip John Gardner - 1941; Tobruk, Libya
*Donald Edward Garland - 1940; Albert Canal, Belgium-air combat
*Gian Singh - 1945; Kamye, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Guy Penrose Gibson - 1943; Mohne Dam, Germany-air combat
*James Heather Gordon - 1941; Djezzine, Syria
*Thomas William Gould - 1942; Crete, Mediterranean
*Percival Eric Gratwick - 1942; Miteiriya Ridge, Egypt
*Robert Hampton Gray - 1945; Honshū, Japan-air combat
*Thomas Gray - 1940; Albert Canal, Belgium-air combat
*John Hollington Grayburn - 1944; Arnhem, Holland
*George Gristock - 1940; River Escaut, Belgium
*George Ward Gunn - 1941; Sidi Rezegh, Libya
*Arthur Stanley Gurney - 1942; Tel-el-Eisa, Egypt
*John Hannah - 1940; Antwerp, Belgium-air combat
*Henry Eric Harden - 1945; Brachterbeek, Holland
*John Pennington Harman - 1944; Kohima, India
*John William Harper - 1944; Antwerp, Belgium
*John Daniel Hinton - 1941; Kalamai, Greece
*Charles Ferguson Hoey - 1944; Ngakyedauk Pass, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Stanley Elton Hollis - 1944; Normandy, France
*David Ernest Hornell - 1944; Faroes, Atlantic-air combat
*Alec George Horwood - 1944; Kyauchaw, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Alfred Clive Hulme - 1941; Crete, Greece
*Thomas Peck Hunter - 1945; Lake Comacchio, Italy
*James Joseph Bernard Jackman - 1941; Tobruk, Libya
*Norman Cyril Jackson - 1944; Schweinfurt, Germany-air combat
*David Auldjo Jamieson - 1944; Grimbosq, France
*Francis Arthur Jefferson - 1944; Monte Casino, Italy
*Kamal Ram - 1944; River Gari, Italy
*Karamjeet Singh Judge - 1945; Meiktila, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Richard Kelliher - 1943; New Guinea
*Edward Kenna - 1945; Wewak, New Guinea
*John Patrick Kenneally - 1943; Dj. Arada, Tunisia
*Geoffrey Charles Tasker Keyes - 1941; Beda Littoria, Libya
*William Henry Kibby - 1942; Miteiriya Ridge, Egypt
*Bruce Steel Kingsbury - 1942; Isurava, New Guinea
*George Arthur Knowland - 1945; Kangaw, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Lachhiman Gurung - 1945; Taungdaw, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Lalbahadur Thapa - 1943; Rass-es-Zouai, Tunisia
*Anders Frederik Emil Victor Schau Lassen - 1945; Lake Comacchio, Italy
*Herbert Wallace Le Patourel - 1942; Tebourba, Tunisia
*Nigel Gray Leakey - 1941; Colito, Abyssinia (now Ethiopia)
*Roderick Alastair Brook Learoyd - 1940; Dortmund-Ems Canal, Germany-air combat
*Ian Oswald Liddell - 1945; Lingen, Germany
*John Wallace Linton - 1943; Mediterranean
*David Samuel Anthony Lord - 1944; Arnhem, Holland-air action
*Charles Antony, The Lord, Lyell - 1943; Dj Bou Arada, Tunisia

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*John Bernard Mackey - 1945; Tarakan Island, Borneo
*James Joseph Magennis - 1945; Johore Straits, Singapore
*John Keefer Mahony - 1944; River Melfa, Italy
*Hugh Gordon Malcolm - 1942; Chougui, Tunisia-air combat
*Leslie Thomas Manser - 1942; Cologne, Germany-air combat
*Jack Foreman Mantle - 1940; Portland, England
*Charles Cecil Ingersoll Merritt - 1942; Dieppe, France
*Rawdon Hume Middleton - 1942; Turin, Italy-air combat
*Anthony Cecil Capel Miers - 1942; Corfu Harbour, Greece
*George Allan Mitchell - 1944; Damiano Ridge, Italy
*Andrew Charles Mynarski - 1944; Cambrai, France-air combat
*Namdeo Jadav - 1945; Senio River, Italy
*Nand Singh - 1944; Maungdaw-Buthidaung Road, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Netrabahadur Thapa - 1944; Bishenpur, Burma (now Myanmar)
*John Dering Nettleton - 1942; Augsberg, Germany-air combat
*Augustus Charles Newman - 1942; St. Nazaire, France
*William Ellis Newton - 1943; New Guinea-air combat
*Moana-Nui-a-Kiwa Ngarimu - 1943; Tebaga Gap, Tunisia
*Harry Nicholls - 1940; River Escaut, Belgium
*Eric James Brindley Nicolson - 1940; Southampton, England-air combat
*Gerard Ross Norton - 1944; Monte Gidolfo, Italy
*John Robert Osborn - 1941; Mount Butler, Hong Kong
*Robert Anthony Maurice Palmer - 1944; Cologne, Germany-air combat
*Parkash Singh - 1943; Donbaik, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Frank John Partridge - 1945; Bougainville, New Guinea
*Frederick Thornton Peters - 1942; Oran, Algeria
*Basil Charles Godfrey Place - 1943; Kaafjord, Norway
*Patrick Anthony Porteous - 1942; Dieppe, France
*Prakash Singh - 1945; Kanlan Ywathit, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Premindra Singh Bhagat - 1941; Gallabat, Abyssinia (now Ethiopia)
*Lionel Ernest Queripel - 1944; Arnhem, Holland
*Ram Sarup Singh - 1944; Kennedy Peak, Burma (now Myanmar)
*John Neil Randle - 1944; Kohima, India
*Reginald Roy Rattey - 1945; Bougainville, Solomon Islands
*Claude Raymond - 1945; Talaku, Burma (now Myanmar)
*William Reid - 1943; Dusseldorf, Germany-air combat
*Richhpal Ram - 1941; Keren, Eritrea
*Peter Scawen Watkinson Roberts - 1942; Crete, Mediterranean
*Maurice Albert Windham Rogers - 1944; Anzio, Italy
*Gerard Broadmead Roope - 1940; West Ford, Norway
*Robert Edward Dudley Ryder - 1942; St. Nazaire, France
*William Alfred Savage - 1942; St. Nazaire, France
*Arthur Stewart King Scarf - 1941; Singora, Malaya-air combat
*Derek Anthony Seagrim - 1943; Mareth Line, Tunisia
*Alfred Edward Sephton - 1941; Crete, Mediterranean
*Sher Bahadur Thapa - 1944; San Marino, Italy
*Sher Shah - 1945; Kyeyebyin, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Robert St. Vincent Sherbrooke - 1942; North Cape, Norway
*William Philip Sidney - 1944; Anzio, Italy
*Ernest Alvia ("Smokey") Smith - 1944; River Savio, Italy
*Quentin George Murray Smythe - 1942; Alem Hamza, Egypt
*Richard Been Stannard - 1940; Namsos, Norway
*Leslie Thomas Starcevich - 1945; Beaufort, Borneo
*James Stokes - 1945; Kervenheim, Germany
*Sefanaia Sukanaivalu - 1944; Bougainville, Solomon Islands
*Edwin Swales - 1945; Pforzheim, Germany-air combat

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*Thaman Gurung - 1944; Monte San Bartolo, Italy
*George Thompson - 1945; Dortmund-Ems Canal, Germany-air combat
*Frederick Albert Tilston - 1945; Hochwald Forest, Germany
*Frederick George Topham - 1945; Rhine, Germany
*Leonard Henry Trent - 1943; Amsterdam, Holland-air combat
*Lloyd Allan Trigg - 1943; Atlantic-air combat
*Paul Triquet - 1943; Casa Berardi, Italy
*Tulbahadur Pun - 1944; Mogaung, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Hanson Victor Turner - 1944; Ningthoukhong, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Victor Buller Turner - 1942; El Aqqaqir, Egypt
*Umrao Singh - 1944; Kaladan Valley, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Charles Hazlitt Upham - 1941; Crete, Greece and 1942; Ruweisat Ridge, Egypt
*Richard Wakeford - 1944; Cassino, Italy
*Adam Herbert Wakenshaw - 1942; Mersa Matruh, Egypt
*Malcolm David Wanklyn - 1941; Sicily, Mediterranean
*Bernard Armitage Warburton Warburton-Lee - 1940; Narvik, Norway
*James Allen Ward - 1941; Munster, Germany-air combat
*Tasker Watkins - 1944; Barfour, France
*William Basil Weston - 1945; Meiktila, Burma (now Myanmar)
*Thomas Wilkinson - 1942; Java Sea, Malaya
*Eric Charles Twelves Wilson - 1940; Observation Hill, Somaliland (now Somalia)
*Peter Harold Wright - 1943; Salerno, Italy
*Yeshwant Ghadge - 1944; Upper Tiber Valley, Italy

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