Istituto Mater Boni Consilii

Istituto Mater Boni Consilii

The Istituto Mater Boni Consilii or the "Institute of the Mother of Good Counsel" is a Traditionalist Catholic congregation of priests who follow the Sedeprivationist school of thought.

The founders of the Institute seceded in 1985 from the Society of St. Pius X under the leadership of Fr. Francesco Ricossa; the three other founders were Frs. Franco Munari, Curzio Nitoglia (who returned to the SSPX) and Giuseppe Murro.

The Institute is confined to Western Europe, and is strongest in Italy, France and Belgium. It operates a seminary at Verrua Savoia near Turin, Italy.

The needs of the Institute are met by Bishop Geert Jan Stuyver, who belongs to it. Previously, Bishop Franco Munari, who had been a member, ministered to its needs.

The Institute also uses the name "Sodalitium Pianum" as an alternative name; this was the name of an unofficial group of theologians and others set up in the early twentieth century by Umberto Benigni to report to him those thought to be teaching Modernist doctrines. [ [ Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (Verlag Traugott Bautz, 2002);] [ Encyclopaedia Britannica] ]



* "Istituto Mater Boni Consilii", Locality Carbignano 36, I - 10020 Verrua Savoia, Italy. Tel.: 0161-839335; Fax: 0161-839334.

External links

* [ Website of the Institute]

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