Geert Jan Stuyver

Geert Jan Stuyver

Bishop Geert Jan Stuyver, IMBC, (1964 - ), is a bishop of the "Istituto Mater Boni Consilii", a congregation of mostly Italian Sedeprivationist priests that broke away from the Society of Saint Pius X under the leadership of Fr. Francesco Ricossa.

Stuyver was ordained a priest by Bishop Robert Fidelis McKenna, O.P., in 1996. On January 16, 2002, McKenna consecrated Stuyver to the episcopate at the IMBC's St. Peter Martyr Seminary at Verrua Savoia near Turin, Italy. Frs. Francesco Ricossa and Joseph Selway assisted as altar-servers.

Stuyver is the superior of a community of the Institute at Dendermonde, Belgium.

Prior to the consecration of Stuvyer, the Institute relied on McKenna and his associate, the Sedevacantist bishop Oliver Oravec, for ordinations. Stuyver was consecrated to relieve them of these duties.

Sedevacantists in Western Europe protested strongly against the proposed consecration and offered prayers against it; the opposition was directed against the contrary ideology of Sedeprivationism that McKenna, Ricossa and Stuyver, etc., espouse.

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consecrated by=Robert Fidelis McKenna
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