Hostelling International

Hostelling International

Hostelling International, formerly known as "International Youth Hostel Federation (IYHF)", is the federation of more than 90 national youth hostel associations in more than 80 countries who run over 4,500 youth hostels and youth hotels around the world. They include the Youth Hostels Association (YHA) in England and Wales, the Scottish Youth Hostels Association (SYHA) in Scotland (founded in 1931), and the American Youth Hostels in the United States (founded in 1934). Collectively, the members operate under the common brand "Hostelling International".

Youth hostels were originally very different in setup from other modern hostels, although the growing popularity of the backpacker subculture has forced them to adapt so as not to lose customers, most notably abandoning the idea of chores in all but a few of their locations. The youth hostels in the United States (where backpackers have not made as much of an inroads as elsewhere) are still closest to the original setup.

The Youth Hostel movement was begun in 1909 by Richard Schirrmann, a German schoolteacher, and Wilhelm Münker, a conservationist, who saw the need for overnight accommodation for school groups so that they could experience the countryside. This started with schools being used during the holidays. The first "Jugendherberge" (Youth Hostel) was opened in Schirrmann's own school, in Altena, Westphalia. In 1912 it was replaced by a permanent hostel in Altena Castle, and there is still a hostel in the castle grounds today. He founded the nationwide German Youth Hostel Association in 1919.

The movement spread rapidly worldwide. The Youth Hostels Association of Great Britain formed as a joint initiative between rambling, cycling and youth organizations, then in 19301931 it founded separate associations in England and Wales (the YHA), Scotland (the SYHA) and in Ireland.

The International Youth Hostel Federation was founded on 20 October 1932 in Amsterdam by representatives from associations in Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Britain, Ireland, France and Belgium. In 1933 Richard Schirrmann, one of the founders of the German youth hostel association, became the chairman but was forced to resign by the Nazis in 1936.

The organization provides services for travelers and coordinates the national organizations. It also facilitates youth work and international and cross cultural understanding. The office is based in Welwyn Garden City outside London.

ee also

* American Youth Hostels
* Hostel
* Scottish Youth Hostels Association
* Youth Hostels Association

Further reading

* Grassl, Anton and Heath, Graham. "The Magic Triangle: a short history of the world youth hostel movement". [S.l.] : International Youth Hostel Federation, 1982
* Heath, Graham. "Richard Schirrmann, the first youth hosteller". Copenhagen : International Youth Hostel Federation, 1962

External links

* [ Hostelling International Official Site]
* [ Hostelling International - Canada Official Site]
* [ YHA Australia Official Site]
* [ YHA (England & Wales) Official Site]
* [ Hostelling International USA Official Site]
* [ An Óige (Irish Youth Hostel Association)]
* [ German Youth Hostels Association]
* [ Dutch Official Site]

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