- Trichonympha
color = khaki
name = "Trichonympha"
regnum =Protist a
phylum =Parabasala
classis =Parabasalia
ordo =Trichomonad ida
familia =Trichonymphidae
genus = "Trichonympha ""Trichonympha" is a genus of
parabasalian protist s that live in theintestines of many, if not most,termite species . They are importantsymbiote s, in that they break down thecellulose in the wood and plant fibers their hosts eat."Trichonympha" resembles teardrops or pears that are wearing wigs. They are extremely
motile , and feed by engulfing wood and plant fibers throughphagocytosis , which always occurs at the broad ends of their bodies.As beguiling as a relationship between a wood-eating insect (xylophagus) and its wood-digesting symbiote may seem, further investigations of "Trichonympha" reveals even more mind-boggling situations.
By itself, "Trichonympha" lacks the ability to produce
cellulase , it requires bacterialendosymbiote s to produce thecellulase to digest its food. It also hasspirochete ectosymbiote s embedded in itscell membrane , together with its flagella these symbiotes give their host its characteristic "wiggy" appearance to grant it motility. The relationship with the spirochetes is particularly intriguing, as researchers are unsure whether the spirochetes move their host around, in the manner a group of exciteddog s drag around their dog-walker, or if "Trichonympha" "commands" them to move it around, much like acharioteer controls the horses of his chariot.Another, extremely similar metamonad termite symbiote is "
Mixotricha paradoxa "
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