Valentino — Valentino Garavani (1932 ) was born in Voghera, Italy, to an electrical engineer father. While in high school, Valentino apprenticed under Vogherese designer Ernestina Salvadeo. Upon graduation he moved to Paris to study at L École des beaux… … Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry
Valentino — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Bobby Valentino (* 1980; eigentlich Robert Wilson), afro amerikanischer R B Sänger Domenico Valentino (* 1985), italienischer Boxer Rudolph Valentino (1895–1926), italienischer Schauspieler Val Valentino… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Valentino — Clemente Ludovico Nacimiento 11 de mayo de 1932, 79 años … Wikipedia Español
Valentino's — is a regional Italian restaurant chain based in Lincoln, Nebraska. Valentino s was founded by Val and Zena Weiler in 1957. The restaurant was purchased by two Lincoln families in 1971 and began franchising additional locations. The first carry… … Wikipedia
Valentino — [v ], 1) Rudolph, eigentlich Rodolfo Alfonzo Raffaello Pierre Filibert Guglielmi di Valentina d Antonguọlla, amerikanischer Filmschauspieler italienischer Herkunft, * Castellaneta (bei Tarent) 6. 5. 1895, ✝ New York 23. 8. 1926; kam 1913 in … Universal-Lexikon
Valentino — (Валенцано,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Via Casamassima 22, 70010 Валенцано, Италия … Каталог отелей
Valentino — gigolo, good looking romantic man, 1927, from Italian born U.S. movie actor Rudolph Valentino (1895 1926), who was adored by female fans. His full name was Rodolfo Guglielmi di Valentino … Etymology dictionary
Valentino — Biographie de Ken Russell, d après le livre de Brad Steiger et Chaw Mank, avec Rudolph Noureev, Leslie Caron, Michelle Phillips, Carol Kane, Felicity Kendal. Pays: Grande Bretagne Date de sortie: 1977 Technique: couleurs Durée: 2 h 12… … Dictionnaire mondial des Films
Valentino — (Портогруаро,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Via Cavour 41, 30026 Портогруаро, Италия … Каталог отелей
Valentino — (Rodolfo Guglielmi di Valentino d Antongueila, dit Rudolph) (1895 1926) acteur de cinéma américain d origine italienne, séducteur qui fascina le monde entier: le Cheik (1921), Arènes sanglantes (1922) … Encyclopédie Universelle