- 166 BC
By place
eleucid Empire
* The
Seleucid king Antiochus IV mounts a campaign against theParthia ns who are threatening his empire in the east. He leaves his chancellor, Lysias, with responsibility for the government of southernSyria and the guardianship of his son.
* The leader of theJew ish revolt against Syria rule,Mattathias , dies and his third son, Judas, assumes leadership of the revolt in accordance with the deathbed disposition of his father.
* TheBattle of Beth Horon is fought between Jewish forces led by Judas Maccabeus and a Seleucid army. Maccabeus gains the element of surprise and successfully routs the much larger Syrian army.
* TheBattle of Emmaus takes place between the Jewish rebels led by Judas Maccabeus and Seleucid forces sent by Antiochus IV and led by Lysias and his general, Gorgias. In the ensuing battle, Judas Maccabeus and his men succeed in repelling Gorgias and forcing his army out ofJudea and down to the coastal plain in what is an important victory in the war for Judea's independence.Roman Republic
* The Roman playwright
Terence 's "Andria" ("The Girl from Andros") is first performed at the Megalesian games.China
Laoshang leads 140,000Xiongnu cavalry in a raid inAnding , and they reach as far as the royal retreat atYong .By topic
Mattathias , father ofJudas Maccabaeus ,Jew ish priest fromModi'in , nearJerusalem , who has started and briefly led a rebellion by the Jews inJudea against theSeleucid kingdom ofSyria
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