Pastel Chime

Pastel Chime



The original "Pastel Chime", released in 1998, is often said to be the icon of AliceSoft's early projects. It features school love stories with traditional themes of a CRPG and that of dating sims. For example, being friendly with the girls allows you to complete the "quests" since their help is needed to go through dungeons, defeat enemy monsters, etc. This was a new concept in the early years of both CRPG and Eroge in Japan.

In June 17, 2005, AliceSoft released the sequel named "Pastel Chime Continue". The game was a hit since many game stores in Japan had them in stock [ja icon [ ぱすてるチャイムContinue ] ] , and with the success of "Pastel Chime Continue" AliceSoft responded by making a side story of "Pastel Chime Continue" with extra episodes and the end product was called "PasCha C++".


* "Pastel Chime"
*: After discovery of new continent, the world is in the Age of Adventure. Kaito is a student of Maizuru Akademy(an adventurer school) who have rested from school for a year with veiled reason. Muselle, a childhood friend of him worries about it and tries to make him to be an adventure aspirant again.
* "Pastel Chime Continue"
*: 10 years have passed after the episodes of "Pastel Chime". Nagihara Yūki is a transfer student from Private Falneze AS to Kōryō Akademy. Dramatic encounters and reunions occur as he is transferred, and it helps him to walk the earnest way of mature adventurer.


Pastel Chime Continue

* Nagihara Yūki ( _ja. 薙原ユウキ)
*: The protagonist and a player character. He had problems with the Private Falneze AS and wanted to be transferred. Fortunately, Kōryō accepted his application for the transfer and he became a 3rd grader in Kōryō. His red hair is not natural and is related to the problems with Falneze AS. His class as an adventurer isn't decided yet (entrusted to players).
* Rindō Rina ( _ja. 竜胆リナ)
*: Yūki's childhood friend, whom Yūki parts from to enter the Private Falneze AS, and met again as he is transferred to Kōryō. As a novice magician, she is a would-be "Teen idol Magician". She is warmhearted, popular among friends girl but picky only to Yūki.
* Saika S. Falnese ( _ja. 斎香・S・ファルネーゼ)
*: Daughter of Falneze, a first grade meister, whose name is the most famous weapon maker in the Rubens continent. Like Yūki, she was a student of Falneze AS, and Yūki idolized her privately. She is also transferred to Kōryō although the circumstances are unknown. She is a top student and is experienced in the use of swords but has a poor knowledge of the world: This causes various comical situations.
* Phil Ehart ( _ja. フィル・イハート)
*: An vigorous elf girl with a characteristic somewhat brown skin and twin tailed hairstyle, who is to be a "shinjutsushi"( _ja. 神術士, literally 'godly technician'), whose main ability is healing. She makes an unprecedented visit to Yūki who have just been transferred, and claims she is fiancée of Yūki. She often conflicts with Rina.
* Lucy Minseard ( _ja. ルーシー・ミンシアード)
*: Another elf girl who is to be a scout, formally "dojutsushi"( _ja. 盗術士, literally 'thief technician'). She is suspected to have saved Yūki's life. Everyday she tries to find a lucky item with a black cat named Nīsan (which can mean 'elder brother' in Japanese) but she hasn't been fortunate enough to find it yet. Being not so affable, people near her except for Yūki shuns her.


There are two big continents in the universe of "Pastel Chime", called Rubens and Colwayd respectively. Rubens is homeland of the human and elves with a complex history, having 7 countries currently.

The Sea of Rhye, which divides Rubens and Colwayd, was covered in a dense fog for a long time which made ocean voyage impossible. One day, the fog suddenly disappeared: although it's suggested that magic was involved. Since the fog cleared: ocean voyage became possible and the people of Rubens were excited and started to explore the Sea of Rhye, and discovered the continent Colwayd. This was the opening of the "Age of Adventure" since the discovery of Colwayd made many adventurers eager to explore the new continent.

During the start of the "Age of Adventure", many adventurers were unfortunate and never made it to Colwayd since many of them went without enough preparation or knowledge. People now believe that the journey to the new continent is stable and that the world is back at peace. However there are symptoms of doom such as the ancient prophecy about the "Reincarnation of Prince of the Darkness", and a conspiracy planned by students of Private Falneze AS to overthrow the Adventurers' Guild.

You could say that Rubens is somewhat like the real world since it contains real world objects such as the bus and the mobile phone. Not only are the objects based to those of our world, but the entire civilization and culture are similar to the cultures on Earth. Also, the names of the characters in "Pastel Chime" are not only Japanese; Kaito is a Japanese name, but Muselle is a European one. In "Pastel Chime Continue", even a name with mixed languages appears; Saika S. Falneze( _ja. 斎香・S・ファルネーゼ) is neither a Japanese name nor non-Japanese name.



External links

* [ Official page of "Pastel Chime"]
* [ Official page of "Pastel Chime Continue"]
* [ Official page of "PasCha C++"]
* [ Kōryō Akademy]

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