- Arthur Braverman
Arthur Braverman is an American born
author andtranslator of works from Japanese to English. AZen Buddhist practitioner who lived inJapan for seven years and studied at Antai-ji temple in 1969 training underKosho Uchiyama . Zen practice with Kosho Uchiyama was not what Braverman expected, which in his mind would entail much dialogue and "special experience". Instead, it was essentially many hours of intensezazen practice. Uchiyama wasn't one for words, and was even less interested in formality and ritual. Much of this experience has been recorded in Braverman's book, "Living and Dying in Zazen" ("Weatherhill, 2003").Books
* ["Living and Dying in Zazen: Five Zen Masters of Modern Japan"] http://www.amazon.com/Living-Dying-Zazen-Masters-Modern/dp/0834805316/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1202308712&sr=1-1
* ["Mud and Water: The Collected Teachings of Zen Master Bassui"] http://www.amazon.com/Mud-Water-Teachings-Master-Bassui/dp/0861713206/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1202308990&sr=1-1
* ["Warrior of Zen: The Diamond-Hard Wisdom Mind of Suzuki Shosan"] http://www.amazon.com/Warrior-Zen-Diamond-Hard-Wisdom-Kodansha/dp/1568360312/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1202309171&sr=1-1
*"A Quiet Room: The Poetry of Zen Master Jakushitsu"http://www.amazon.com/Quiet-Room-Poetry-Master-Jakushitsu/dp/0804832137/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1202309327&sr=1-1
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