Age 13

Age 13

"Age 13" is an educational film by Sid Davis released in 1955. It is property of the public domain.The film centers around Andrew, a thirteen-year-old boy stricken with grief over the recent death of his mother. On the day of her passing her radio stops working, and Andrew believes that if he can repair it his mother will return. He is left with a cold, emotionally distant stepfather. He is also teased relentlessly in school, which leads him to bring a gun with him. During an altercation with another student in a physical education class, he fires the gun, injuring no one. Following the incident he receives counseling, is administered a Rorschach inkblot test and is encouraged to open up emotionally. However, his stepfather becomes increasingly brutal. Andrew commits a virtual murder by destroying a photograph of his stepfather, whom he blames for his mother's death; afraid his feelings will lead him to actual homicide, he runs away. By film's end he has recovered, and is adopted by his aunt and her husband.

Musician Kevin Moore selected this film as inspiration for the Chroma Key album Graveyard Mountain Home. The film is included on DVD in a special edition of the album, playing at half speed and featuring the album's music soundtrack as opposed to the original.


The film is in public domain and can be downloaded freely from
* [ Part 1]
* [ Part 2]

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  • age — age …   Dictionnaire des rimes

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  • age — [ aʒ ] n. m. • 1801; var. dial. (Poitou, Berry) de haie XIIIe, en ce sens ♦ Longue pièce horizontale à laquelle s ajustent le soc et toutes les autres pièces de la charrue. ⊗ HOM. poss. Âge. ● age nom masculin (ancien français haie, du francique… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • âge — age [ aʒ ] n. m. • 1801; var. dial. (Poitou, Berry) de haie XIIIe, en ce sens ♦ Longue pièce horizontale à laquelle s ajustent le soc et toutes les autres pièces de la charrue. ⊗ HOM. poss. Âge. ● age nom masculin (ancien français haie, du… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • âgé — age [ aʒ ] n. m. • 1801; var. dial. (Poitou, Berry) de haie XIIIe, en ce sens ♦ Longue pièce horizontale à laquelle s ajustent le soc et toutes les autres pièces de la charrue. ⊗ HOM. poss. Âge. ● age nom masculin (ancien français haie, du… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • âge — ÂGE. s. m. La durée ordinaire de la vie. L âge de l homme ne passe pas communément quatre vingts ans. L âge des chevaux n est guère que de trente ans. ⁧e d homme, signifie, L âge viril. Quand cet enfant sera parvenu à l âge d homme. Il signifie… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • age — AGE. Autrefois on escrivoit Aage. s. m. l A est long, & on met un accent circonflexe dessus. La durée ordinaire de la vie. Age d homme. il n a pas vescu âge d homme. l âge du cheval est de trente ans. Age, signifie aussi, Le temps qu il y a qu on …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Age — ([=a]j), n. [OF. aage, eage, F. [^a]ge, fr. L. aetas through a supposed LL. aetaticum. L. aetas is contracted fr. aevitas, fr. aevum lifetime, age; akin to E. aye ever. Cf. {Each}.] 1. The whole duration of a being, whether animal, vegetable, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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