CAF may refer to:
* Cactus Air Force, American aviation force during the early stages of the Battle of Guadalcanal
* Caisse d'allocations familiales, French governmental agencies for family-supporting subsidies
* Cambridge Application Form, a university application form filled in by students applying to study at the University of Cambridge, in addition to a regular UCAS form
* Campaign for America's Future, an American political orginization.
* Canadian Forces, (Canadian Armed Forces), the unified branches of the Canadian Air Force, Army, and Navy
* Canadian Arab Federation, (CAF), a non-profit organization that seeks to promote and raise political and cultural awareness to issues that involve Canadians from Arab ancestry.
* Car Audio Forum, a website dedicated to the car audio enthusiast
* Central African Federation, otherwise known as the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland that existed between 1953 and 1963
* Central African Republic, ISO 3166-1 3-letter country code
* Charities Aid Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation aiming to ensure that charitable giving is as robust and effective as it can possibly be
* Chief of Air Force (Australia), the commander of the Royal Australian Air Force
* Chromatin Assembly Factors, a protein complex that pulls newly replicated DNA strands into chromatin formation
* Combat Assault Force, an online gaming community that focuses mainly on multiplayer games for the computer
* Commemorative Air Force, a Texas-based NPO dedicated to preserving and showing historical aircraft
* Common Assessment Framework, a joint European quality assessment system
* Conductive Anodic Filament, a form of electrochemical metal migration or dendritic growth between two conductors within a printed circuit board (PCB)
* Confederate Air Force, the older name of the Commemorative Air Force
* Confederation of African Football, the governing body for association football in the African continent
* Constant Applicative Form, a term in Functional programming referring to a Supercombinator that is not a Lambda abstraction
* Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles, a Spanish railway coach manufacturer
* Contract Access Fee The CAF is a fee paid by customers to cover GSA's cost of operating the Federal Supply Service Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) program. The fee is a percentage of reported sales under the GWAC contracts.
* Core Audio Format, a file format from Apple for storing audio data
* Corporación Andina de Fomento, a multilateral development corporation in Latin America
* Craxi-Andreotti-Forlani, an alliance between prominent Italian politicians Bettino Craxi (Socialist), Giulio Andreotti and Arnaldo Forlani (both Christian Democrats) in the late 1980s
* Currency Adjustment Factor, a term used while shipping to the European Sector to adjust for the change in currency rates for that week.
* Customer Application Form, used by new subscribers (Telecom)

CaF may also refer to:
*Calcium fluoride, the chemical compound

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