Martin K. Speckter

Martin K. Speckter

Martin Speckter (June 14, 1915February 14, 1988) is the inventor of the interrobang (‽), a punctuation mark that combines the uses of the exclamation point and the question mark. As the head of an advertising firm, Speckter looked for ways to merge the two symbols into one convenient mark. However, the interrobang never quite caught on and is currently a rarely used symbol.

Martin K. Speckter was president of Martin K. Speckter Associates Incorporated from 1956 to 1959. He handled the promotion for Wall Street Journal, National Observer, Barrons Weekly and Dowe Jones News Service. In 1969 Martin K. Speckter Associates merged with Clinton E. Krank advertising. Speckter was also the editor of Type Talks Magazine from 1959 to 1968 which he also wrote for. He retired in 1974. In 1971, he authored Disquisition on the Composing Stick.[1]