Christoph Feldegg

Christoph Feldegg

Baron Christoph Feldegg (17801845) was an Austrian army officer and naturalist.

Feldegg fought in the Napoleonic wars and in recognition of his many gallant deeds was created a Baron in 1817. He served in Dalmatia, eventually becoming Colonel and Commanding Officer of the 6th Battalion of Chaseurs.

Feldegg accumulated a large collection of natural history specimens, particularly birds. He was a correspondent of C. L. Brehm, John Gould and Hermann Schlegel, and served for a time with the ornithologist Dr Karl Michahelles. His collection was donated to the Natural History Museum in Prague.

Feldegg had a number of birds named after him, including the Black-headed Wagtail, Motacilla flava feldegg, the Balkan and Black Sea sub-species of the Yellow Wagtail.


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