Raymond W. Smith — is the Chairman of Rothschild North America, and the Chairman of Arlington Capital Partners. He holds a B.S. degree from Carnegie Mellon University and an M.B.A degree from the University of Pittsburgh. He has been awarded honorary degrees from… … Wikipedia
Raymond Etherington-Smith — Raymond Broadley Etherington Smith (born April 11, 1877 died April 19, 1913) was a British rower who competed in the 1908 Summer Olympics.He was a crew member of the British boat, which won the gold medal in the eights.External links* [http://www … Wikipedia
Raymond Smith — may refer to: * Raymond J. Smith, editor * Raymond W. Smith, businessmanee also*Ray Smith (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
Raymond Baldwin — Raymond E. Baldwin Raymond Earl Baldwin (* 31. August 1893 in Rye, Westchester County, New York; † 4. Oktober 1986 in Greenwich, Connecticut) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker der … Deutsch Wikipedia
Raymond Earl Baldwin — Raymond E. Baldwin Raymond Earl Baldwin (* 31. August 1893 in Rye, Westchester County, New York; † 4. Oktober 1986 in Greenwich, Connecticut) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker der … Deutsch Wikipedia
Raymond Williams — Raymond Henry Williams (31 August 1921 ndash; 26 January 1988) was a Welsh academic, novelist and critic. He was an influential figure within the New Left and in wider culture. His writings on politics, culture, the mass media and literature are… … Wikipedia
Raymond Lohier — Raymond Joseph Lohier, Jr. Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Incumbent Assumed office December 20, 2010 Appointed by Barack Obama Preceded by … Wikipedia
Raymond Bartlett Stevens — (* 18. Juni 1874 in Binghamton, New York; † 18. Mai 1942 in Indianapolis, Indiana) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker. Zwischen 1913 und 1915 vertrat er den … Deutsch Wikipedia
Raymond F. Clevenger — Raymond Francis Clevenger (* 6. Juni 1926 in Chicago, Illinois) ist ein ehemaliger US amerikanischer Politiker. Zwischen 1965 und 1967 vertrat er den Bundesstaat Michigan im US Repräsentantenhaus. Werdegang Raymond Clevenger besuchte die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Raymond Dart — Raymond Arthur Dart (* 4. Februar 1893 in Toowong bei Brisbane, Australien; † 22. November 1988 in Johannesburg, Südafrika) war ein australischer Anatom und Paläoanthropologe. Bekanntheit erlangte er durch die Erstbeschreibung des „Kindes von… … Deutsch Wikipedia