

Idris ( _ar. إدريس) may mean:

* Idris (prophet), a prophet of Islam, named Enoch in Judaism and Christianity
* Idris I, the founder of the Idrisid dynasty in Maghreb
* Idris I of Libya
* Idris (or Idries) Shah, a Sufi author
* Idris Shah II of Perak, a sultan of Perak
* Idris (operating system) a Unix-like operating system for the Atari ST
* Idris, a Welsh male forename
* Idris, a giant in Welsh mythology
* Idris (dragon), a character in the animated television series 'Ivor The Engine'
* Idris, Kamil, former director-general of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
* Idris Muhammad, American jazz drummer
* Idris Elba, a British actor
* Idris, a Matoran of Mahri Nui.
* Idris, a fruit flavoured drink in the United Kingdom in the mid twentieth-century whose slogan was 'Idris when I's dri'.

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  • Idrîs — Idris Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sommaire 1 Sens et origine du nom 2 Variantes 3 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Idris — steht für: Idris (Koran), Gestalt im Koran Idris (Betriebssystem), Betriebssystem Namensträger: Herrscher namens Idris: Idris I. ibn Abdallah (788–791), Emir der Idrisiden in Marokko Idris II. (791–828), Emir der Idrisiden in Marokko Idris I. al… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Idris II — (791 828) was son of Idris I, the founder of the Idrisid dynasty in North Africa. He was born in Volubilis (nowadays in Morocco) two months after the death of his father.HistoryThe death of Idris I, and the resulting destabilisation of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Idris II — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Idris II ben Alí, (¿?, 1030 – Málaga, 3 de abril de 1055). Bereber de la dinastía Hammudí, fue el sexto rey de la Taifa de Málaga al ocupar el trono entre 1042 y 1047. Hijo de Alí ben Hamud al Nasir, califa de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Idris — Разработчик Ф. Д. Плоджер (Whitesmiths) Семейство ОС Unix подобная Первый выпуск 1979 Поддерживаемые платформы PDP 11, VAX, Motorola 68000, System/370, Intel 8086, Atari ST …   Википедия

  • Idris I. — Idris I. († 791; auch Idris ibn Abdullah, arabisch ‏إدريس بن عبدالله‎) war der erste Herrscher der Idrisiden von 788 bis 791. Idris ibn Abdellah (el Kamil) war ein Abkömmling des Kalifen Ali ibn Abi Talib (656–661). Nach der Verwicklung in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Idris I — (or Idris ibn Abdullah) ( ar. إدريس بن عبدالله) was the first ruler and founder of the Idrisid Dynasty, ruling from 788 to 791 AD. He is credited with founding the dynasty that was instrumental in the early Islamization of Morocco [A History of… …   Wikipedia

  • Idris I — Idris Ier Pour les articles homonymes, voir Idris. Ruines de Volubilis avec en arrière plan le tache blanche du village de Moulay Idris …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Idrís I — o Idrīs ben Abd Allah ben al Hassan (en árabe: إِدرِيس بن عَبد اللَّه بن الحَسَن). Fundador de la dinastía idrísida entre 789 y 791. Descendiente directo de Mahoma al ser bisnieto de Alí, el yerno del profeta, participó en la sublevación que, en… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Idris I — (Idris) ► (1890 1983) Primer rey de Libia (1950 69). Fue destituido por Gaddafi. * * * por ext. Sīdī MuFONT face=Tahomaḥammad Idrīs al Mahdī al Sanūsī (13 mar. 1890, Jarabub, Cirenaica, Libia–25 may. 1983, El Cairo, Egipto). Rey de Libia… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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