

name = "Yandangornis"
status = fossil
fossil_range = Late Cretaceous
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Sauropsida
superordo = Dinosauria
ordo = Saurischia
subordo = Theropoda
infraordo = Coelurosauria
unranked_familia = Maniraptora
genus = "Yandangornis"
binomial = "Yandangornis longicaudus"
binomial_authority = Cai and Zhou "et al.", 1999

"Yandangornis" was a theropod, possibly a bird, from the Late Cretaceous. It lived 85-74 million years ago. The type species, "Y. longicaudus", was formally described by Cai and Zhou in 1999. The fossils were discovered in 1986, and form most of one complete skeleton. These remains show an animal more derived than, but similar to, "Archaeopteryx".

External links

* [http://dml.cmnh.org/2001Jan/msg00565.html "Yandangornis" on the Dinosaur Mailing List]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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