Macintosh IIcx

Macintosh IIcx

March 7 1989|MSRP=5369|CPU=Motorola 68030
CPUspeed=16 MHz|OS=System 6.0.3|RAM=1 MiB or 2 MiB, expandable to 128 MiB|RAMtype=120 ns 30-pin SIMM
Discontinued=March 11, 1991
Half a year following the release of the Macintosh IIx passed before Apple introduced the Macintosh IIcx in 1989. Despite resembling the IIx to a great extent, the IIcx was quieter (due to its quieter fan on a smaller power supply) than its predecessor. The design was also much more compact because it had only three NuBus slots. The new case, Apple's only to be designed to operate in either horizontal or vertical orientation, remained in use for its successors the IIci and Quadra 700. The idea for vertical orientation, one of the first minitower cases, was suggested by Apple CEO John Sculley, who was running out of space on his desk. []

Users liked the Mac IIcx in part because its components and parts (such as RAM, NuBus slots, and power supply) snapped into place case without the need for screws. At the IIcx's introduction, Jean-Louis Gassee demonstrated the IIcx's modular design by assembling one from parts in front of the audience [] This made it less expensive to build, easier to repair, and earned it heavy praise and a warm reception amongst the Mac community.

This model was superseded by the Macintosh IIci.

See also

* List of Macintosh models grouped by CPU type
* List of products discontinued by Apple Computer

External links

* [ Specifications at]
* [ Macintosh IIcx technical specification] at

Navbox with columns
name = Navbox with columns/doc
state = uncollapsed
title = Apple Model Navigation

colstyle = text-align:center;background:silver;
colwidth = 25%

col1header = Replaced
col2header = Current Model
col3header = Successor

col1 = Macintosh II
col2 = Macintosh IIcx
col3 = Macintosh IIci

col1footer = Preceding Family Model
col2footer = March 7, 1989
col3footer = Following Family Model


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