Indigo Renderer

Indigo Renderer


caption = A photorealistic image rendered with Indigo
name = Indigo Renderer
developer = Nicholas Chapman
latest_release_version = 1.0.9_3 stable
latest_release_date = 30 March, 2008
operating_system = Microsoft Windows, Linux
genre = Computer Graphics
license = Proprietary (Indigo Renderer License)
website = []

Indigo is a freeware unbiased render engine capable of highly realistic renders.

Indigo uses methods such as Metropolis Light Transport, Spectral light calculus,and virtual camera model. Scene data is stored in XML or IGS format.

Indigo features Monte-Carlo path tracing, experimental support for Bidirectional path tracing and MLT on top of bidirectional path tracing, distributed render capabilities, and progressive rendering (image gradually becomes less noisy as rendering progresses). Since Version 0.7 test 5 it also supports SSS and has its own Image Format (.igs). A Post-render tone mapping tool is in development under the name Violet, unlike Indigo this is open sourced under GPL.

Currently Indigo has versions for Windows XP, Windows Vista and Linux (32 bit and 64 bit versions available.) It can also be used in emulated mode in Mac OS, but this is very slow. Its license allows both personal and commercial use, but puts some restrictions on redistribution and use in render farms.


Indigo has exporters for several 3D packages:
* Blender 3D To Indigo 0.6
* Maxigo (3D Studio Max)
* [ MayaToIndigo] (Maya)
* [ Blendigo] (Blender)
* [ Cindigo] (Cinema 4D)
* [ XSIndigo] (Softimage XSI)
* [ SkIndigo] (Sketchup)

External links

* [ Official website]
* [ Blender+Indigo Tutorial]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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