Bloodaxe Books

Bloodaxe Books

Bloodaxe Books is a British publishing house specialising in poetry.

It was founded in 1978 in Newcastle upon Tyne by Neil Astley, who is still editor and managing director. He was joined in 1982 by chairman Simon Thirsk. Bloodaxe moved its editorial office to Northumberland and its sales office to Bala, North Wales, in 1997.

As well as publishing famous names in literature from all over the world, Bloodaxe has discovered and helped establish the reputations of many of Britains most promising new writers. It has published nearly 1000 books by more than 300 writers, with an annual output of around 30 new titles. The Bloodaxe list has more women poets than any other British publisher and the most substantial list of Caribbean and Black British poets. With its diverse stable of new and established British, Irish, American, European and Commonwealth of Nations writers, Bloodaxe has revolutionised poetry publishing in Britain.

Bloodaxe authors have won virtually every major literary award for which poetry is eligible, including a trio of Nobel Prizes. It is also typical of the broad editorial policy that Bloodaxe has published a great many significant but little-known European poets, alongside the more familiar names. As well as Sappho, Catullus, Mandelstam, Lorca, Akhmatova, Tsvetayeva and Holub (to name but a few), Bloodaxe has published, among many others, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Piotr Sommer, Marin Sorescu, Tomas Tranströmer, Miguel Hernández, Attila József, Jaan Kaplinski, Pia Tafdrup and Tomas Venclova, as well as leading poets from other parts of the world, such as Imtiaz Dharker (India), Maram al-Massri (Syria), Salah Stétié (Lebanon), Mahmoud Darwish and Taha Muhammad Ali (Palestine), Jack Mapanje (Malawi), Li-Young Lee (Indonesia/USA), Aimé Césaire (Martinque), Evgeny Rein and Elena Shvarts (Russia), Yang Lian and Yi Sha (China), Robert Adamson and Kevin Hart (Australia), and Alden Nowlan (Canada).

Bloodaxes American list includes Elizabeth Alexander, Carolyn Forché, Tess Gallagher, Deborah Garrison, Jack Gilbert, Ellen Hinsey, Jane Hirshfield, Jane Kenyon, Galway Kinnell, Denise Levertov, Philip Levine, W.S. Merwin, Naomi Shihab Nye, Mary Oliver, Gjertrud Schnackenberg, Chase Twichell, Fred Voss, C.K. Williams, C.D. Wright and James Wright, along with UK and Irish resident American writers Julie O'Callaghan, Anne Rouse, Eva Salzman and Anne Stevenson. The Bloodaxe list of bilingual editions of French poets includes volumes by Yves Bonnefoy, René Char, Jacques Dupin, Paul Éluard, André Frénaud, Guillevic, Philippe Jaccottet, Gérard Macé, Henri Michaux, Pierre Reverdy and Paul Valéry. Bloodaxe also has some of the finest writers in the British-Caribbean diasporasuch as John Agard, James Berry, JeanBintaBreeze, Martin Carter, Kamau Brathwaite and Benjamin Zephaniahas well as E.A. Markham's seminal Caribbean anthology Hinterland.

Over 30 years Bloodaxe has become a pioneering publisher of European poetry while at the same time giving a platform to the best new work from Britain and Ireland. After giving first publication to poets such as Simon Armitage, David Constantine, Peter Didsbury, Maura Dooley, Ian Duhig, Helen Dunmore, Frieda Hughes, Elizabeth Garrett, W.N. Herbert, Jackie Kay, Stephen Knight, Gwyneth Lewis, Glyn Maxwell, Sean O'Brien, David Scott, Jo Shapcott and Pauline Stainer, Bloodaxe has gone on to produce début volumes by a later generation of British and Irish poets including Paul Batchelor, Zoe Brigley, Polly Clark, Julia Copus, Nick Drake, Jen Hadfield, Choman Hardi, Tracey Herd, Matthew Hollis, Joanne Limburg, Roddy Lumsden, Esther Morgan, Caitríona OReilly, Clare Pollard (just 19 when her book appeared), Leanne OSullivan, Sally Read and Sarah Wardle.

The Bloodaxe list of poets has been strengthened by its acquisition of many highly respected British and Irish poets previously published by other imprints, including Gillian Allnutt, Connie Bensley, Stewart Conn, Freda Downie, Ruth Fainlight, Philip Gross, Tony Harrison, Selima Hill, Frances Horovitz, Kathleen Jamie, Jenny Joseph, Barry MacSweeney, Adrian Mitchell, J.H. Prynne, Peter Reading, Lawrence Sail, Ken Smith, R.S. Thomas and Susan Wicks, as well as the writers who joined Bloodaxe after Oxford University Press closed its poetry list: Fleur Adcock, Moniza Alvi, Basil Bunting, Roy Fisher, Carole Satyamurti, Penelope Shuttle, Anne Stevenson and George Szirtes. The Bloodaxe Irish list includes many leading Irish writers, including Rita Ann Higgins, Brendan Kennelly and Micheal OSiadhail.

The growth of Bloodaxe and other specialist poetry publishers coincided with the emergence of a new generation of British and Irish poets, mostly born in the 50s and early 60s, many first published by these imprints. Twenty of these writers were later taggedNew Generation Poetsin a promotion organised by the Poetry Society in 1994, but this particular grouping was artificial and should not be taken as a critical guide, for it excluded several key figures from that generation, including Jackie Kay, Ian McMillan, Sean OBrien, Jo Shapcott and Matthew Sweeney. The first anthology to represent this new generation was Bloodaxes The New Poetry (1993), edited by Michael Hulse, David Kennedy and David Morley, which became a school set text, selling over 50,000 copies. Sean OBriens The Deregulated Muse: Essays on Contemporary British & Irish Poetry (Bloodaxe Books, 1998) is his account of poetry in the post-war period, from the generation of Larkin and Hughes to the new poets of the 80s and 90s.

Irina Ratushinskayas No, Im Not Afraid was published by Bloodaxe in May 1986 when the young poet was imprisoned in a Soviet prison camp for thecrimeof writing and distributing poems a judge had calleda danger to the state’. At the age of 28, she had been sentenced to seven yearshard labour. Three years into her sentence, she was in desperate health, unaware that poems smuggled out of the camp had reached the West. As well as translations by David McDuff, No, Im Not Afraid included documentary material on her imprisonment provided by Amnesty International, statements by her husband and friends, and extracts from a camp diary charting life in theSmall Zone’, the special unit for women prisoners of conscience in Mordovia where she was held. Many of her poems were first incised with burnt matchsticks onto bars of soap, and then memorised. An international campaign was mounted on her behalf, spearheaded by her own poetry, which led to her release in October 1986 on the eve of the Reykjavik summit after Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan had been given copies of her Bloodaxe collection by David Owen. Allowed to come to Britain two months later for medical treatment, she settled in London for several years before moving back to Odessa. Her first reading in Britain was organised by Bloodaxe at Newcastle Playhouse in 1987, and followed a civic reception offered by Newcastle City Council and Newcastle University. No, Im Not Afraid sold over 20,000 copies.

Many other writers and books published by Bloodaxe have hit the headlines, arousing controversy and debate outside the poetry world. Tom Paulins essay collection Ireland & the English Crisis (1984) was savagely attacked by Enoch Powell for its political stance. Another cause celebre was provided by Tony Harrisons v. (1985), his book-length poem set in a vandalised cemetery in Leeds during the MinersStrike which captured the angry, desolate mood of Britain in the mid-1980s. Two years after its publication, Richard Eyres film of the poem sparked a national furore not over Harrisons politics but over his skinhead protagonists use of so-calledbad language’. Attacked by Mary Whitehouse (‘this work of singular nastiness’) and by Tory MPs wanting Channel 4s broadcast to be stopped, the poem attracted lurid headlines in the tabloids. ‘A torrent of four-letter filthwas the Daily Mails description:The most explicitly sexual language yet beamed into the nations living roomsthe crudest, most offensive word is used 17 times.’ The second edition of v. (1989) documents the media reaction to the film.

Anthologies have enabled Bloodaxe to make an even greater range of modern and contemporary European poetry available to readers, including two seminal titles, Adam Czerniawskis translations of Polish poets in The Burning Forest (1988) and The Colonnade of Teeth: Modern Hungarian Poetry (1996), edited by George Szirtes and George Gömöri. Many books published by Bloodaxe have given a platform to poets responding to times of oppression, war, political unrest, social division and global change, including Geremie Barmé & John Minfords Seeds of Fire: Chinese Voices of Conscience (1989), Ken Smith & Judi Bensons Klaonica: poems for Bosnia (1993), John Fairleighs Where the Tunnels Meet: Contemporary Romanian Poetry (1996), Chris Agees Scar on the Stone: contemporary poetry from Bosnia (1998), J. Katess In the Grip of Strange Times: Russian poetry in a new era (1999) and Neil Astley's Earth Shattering: ecopoems (2007).

Bloodaxe's most popular anthology has been Neil Astley's Staying Alive: real poems for unreal times (2002), devised as a book to introduce new readers to contemporary poetry as well as to show existing poetry readers a wider range of poems from around the world than is generally available from British poetry publishers. It has sold over 100,000 copies in Britain and over 30,000 in America, where it was launched in New York in a reading by Meryl Streep and Claire Danes with Paul Muldoon and other poets to a packed house in the Cooper Unions 700-seater auditorium (where Whitman listened to Abraham Lincolns speeches). It was followed in 2004 by a sequel anthology, Being Alive; a third volume in thetrilogy”, Being Human, is planned for 2010.

In 2000 Bloodaxe received funding from the Millennium Festival and the National Lottery through the Arts Council for an educational initiative to build a stronger awareness of 20th century poetry. This involved the publication of two books, Edna Longleys Bloodaxe Book of 20th Century Poetry from Britain and Ireland, an anthology of 60 poets presented with informative introductions, and Strong Words: modern poets on modern poetry, a book of key essays on poetry by poets (half of these specially commissioned), edited by W.N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. The books were presented at schools conferences and university seminars, and both have quickly become set texts.

In 2001 Jo Shapcott gave the first of the Newcastle/Bloodaxe poetry lectures at Newcastle University. Several other poets have since spoken about the craft and practice of poetry to audiences drawn from both the city and the university. These public lectures are later published in book form by Bloodaxe, giving readers everywhere the opportunity to discover what leading poets have to say about their own subject.

Other initiatives to introduce contemporary poetry to new readers have included working with reading groups in Nottingham and in libraries across the West Midlands. And in Birmingham, Jonathan Davidsons team at Book Communications have produced three touring theatre shows which have taken live poetry performances to venues across Britain: the first drew on Staying Alive, the second on Being Alive, and the most recent, Changing Lives, was a theatre piece using poems from books published by Bloodaxe over the past 30 years.

In 2008, Bloodaxe celebrated its 30th birthday by publishing the world's first poetry DVD-book, In Person: 30 Poet. In Person was filmed by award-winning film-maker Pamela Robertson-Pearce and edited by Bloodaxes founding editor, Neil Astley, and features six hours of readings on two DVDs by 30 poets from around the world with an anthology including all the poems read on the films.

External links

* [ Official website]
* [ Interview at The Book Depository]

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