

zthread is a cross-platform high-level object-oriented C++ library, which provides an interface to both POSIX Pthread and Windows API threads. It's licensed under MIT License.

ZThread is one of several C++ threading libraries available: such as [http://www.boost.org/doc/html/thread.html Boost threads] , [http://www.appinf.com/poco/docs/ POCO] . It provides many advanced features, such as
* Clean, minimal and complete interfaces
* Rich set of primitives
* Uses modern design techniques, such as policy based design
* Thread objects life cycle management
* Priority mutex, condition, semaphore
* Ability to cancel, interrupt threads in a manner similar to Java
* Executor interface decouples Task execution from method of execution. Thread pool is a special executor.
* Queue support (Locked, Blocking, Bounded, Monitored)

External links

* [http://zthread.sourceforge.net/index.html Sourceforge site]
* [http://bruce-eckel.developpez.com/livres/cpp/ticpp/v2/?page=page_14#L3.4.2.1 "Thinking in C++ - Volume 2"] Concurrency tutorial with examples for "zthread".

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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