Heather Cerveny

Heather Cerveny

Infobox Military Person
name=Heather Cerveny

caption=Sergeant Heather Cerveny
allegiance= United States of America
branch=United States Marine Corps

Sergeant Heather Cerveny is a member of the United States Marine Corps, and a paralegal.Cerveny who submitted an affidavit describing boasts of abusive treatment meted out to detainees held in extrajudicial detention in the United States Guantanamo Bay detention camps, in Cuba. [http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/local/states/california/northern_california/15754585.htm Marine says morale miserable at Guantanamo Bay prison] , "San Jose Mercury", October 13 2006] [http://www.dartblog.com/data/media/gitmo_affidavit.pdf Cerveny's affidavit (.pdf)] , October 4 2006] Her claims were rejected by a military investigator and she was later accused of making a false statement. [never charged. Now stationed in Washington DC. [http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/02/07/ap/world/mainD8N530V00.shtml Military: No Gitmo Guard Abuse Evident, U.S. Military Investigation Reports No Evidence Guards Beat Guantanamo Detainees - CBS News ] ]

Press reports state Cerveny is 23 years old, was only assigned to assist in the defense of Guantanamo detainees in September, and that the incident she reported occurred on one of her visits to the base.

The Department of Defense's Inspector General announced that another inquiry would be launched into detainee treatment, based on Cerveny's affidavit. [http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/paperchase/2006/10/pentagon-orders-probe-into-marines.php Pentagon orders probe into Marine's report of Guantanamo detainee abuse] , "The Jurist", October 13 2006]

Previous inquiries, like the Schmidt report concluded that abuse at the camps was degrading, but did not rise to the level of "inhumane". [http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Jul2005/20050713_2053.html Alleged Guantanamo Abuse Did Not Rise to Level of 'Inhumane'] , "Department of Defense", July 13 2005]

Gag order

Muneer Ahmad, the civilian lawyer for Omar Khadr, reported that Cerveny, and her boss, Colby Vokey, Khadr's military lawyer, had been ordered not to speak to the media pending Marine chief defense counsel Col. Carol Joyce's review of Cerveny's claims. [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/14/AR2006101401062.html 2 Ordered Not to Discuss Gitmo Claims] , "Washington Post", October 14 2006]

The report quotes a statement released by the Marines explaining that Col. Joyce::"... had directed him [Vokey] not to communicate with the media "pending her review of the facts. This is necessary to ensure all actions of counsel are in compliance with regulations establishing professional standards for military attorneys." [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/14/AR2006101401062.html 2 Ordered Not to Discuss Gitmo Claims] , "Washington Post", October 14 2006]

Basset report

Colonel Richard Basset was the officer assigned to investigate the allegations in Cerveny's affidavit. [http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/12/10/ap/world/mainD8LU6APO1.shtml Col. Submits Guantanamo Investigation: U.S. Army colonel completes, turns in report on Guantanamo abuse investigation] , "CBS News", December 10 2006] He returned from his investigation on November 15 2006. [http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2006/11/16/military/14_03_1611_15_06.txt U.S. Army colonel investigating abuse allegations returns from Guantanamo] , "North Carolina Times", November 16 2006]

The Associated Press quoted one of Basset's superiors, who said Basset: "...interviewed guards and some detainees during a visit to the naval base in southeast Cuba. He also traveled around the U.S. to speak with guards who had left Guantanamo," [http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,,-6271654,00.html Col. Submits Guantanamo Investigation] , "The Guardian", December 10 2006] [http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/12/10/ap/world/mainD8LU6APO1.shtml Col. Submits Guantanamo Investigation: U.S. Army colonel completes, turns in report on Guantanamo abuse investigation] , "CBS News", December 10 2006] "

The report was submitted by Basset on December 10, 2006.cite news
title=Col. Submits Guantanamo Investigation
author=Michael Melia
date=December 10 2006
publisher=Washington Post
] and the results made public in February, 2008. cite news
title=Investigator into alleged Guantanamo abuse accuses Marine of false complaint
publisher=International Herald Tribune
date=February 2 2007
] The report recommended no disciplinary action against the five Army,and Navy men whom Cerveny accused in her affidavit as there was no evidence to support Cerveny's claims. Based upon his findings through the investigation, Colonel Basset then accused Cerveny of filing false reports.cite news
title=Military: No Gitmo Guard Abuse Evident: U.S. military investigation reports no evidence guards beat Guantanamo detainees
publisher=CBS News
author=Michael Melia
date=February 7 2007

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