Palma il Vecchio

Palma il Vecchio

Palma il Vecchio (1480 – July 1528), born Jacopo Palma or known as Jacopo Negretti, was an Italian painter of the Venetian school born at Serina Alta near Bergamo. He is called Palma il Vecchio (Palma the Elder) to distinguish him from Palma il Giovane, his grand-nephew. [CathEncy|wstitle=Palma Vecchio]

When Palma arrived in Venice early in the 16th century, he reputedly was a companion and competitor of Lorenzo Lotto, and to some extent a pupil of Titian. [ [ Jacopo Palma] - 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica] ] He may also have taught Bonifazio Pitati and influenced Giovanni Busi. Vecchio's earlier works betray the influence of the Bellini.

Vecchio's work demonstrates superior richness of color, but he did not excel with regard to invention nor vigorous draughtsmanship.

His paintings frequently feature his (so-called) daughter Violante, of whom Titian was said to be enamoured. Famous works by Palma include a composition of six paintings in the Venetian church of Santa Maria Formosa, with St Barbara in the centre, under the dead Christ, and to right and left SS. Dominic, Sebastian, John Baptist and Anthony. A second work is in the Dresden Gallery, representing three sisters seated in the open air; it is frequently named "The Three Graces". A third work, discovered in Venice in 1900, is a portrait supposed to represent "Violante". Other leading examples are: the "Last Supper" in Santa Maria Mater Domini; a Madonna, in the church of San Stefano in Vicenza; the "Epiphany", (Brera Gallery, Milan); the "Holy Family with a young shepherd" (Louvre, Paris), "The Holy Family with St. Catherine, St. John and Donor " (Beli Dvor, Belgrade), "St Stephen and other Saints, Christ and the Widow of Nain" and the "Assumption of the Virgin", (Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice), and "Christ at Emmaus" (Pitti Palace).



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