Assembly (bugle call)

Assembly (bugle call)

Assembly is a bugle call used to call in a group of soldiers or scouts. It is also sometimes referred to as "Fall in".

A commonly known earthy mnemonic lyric associated with the call goes: "There's a soldier in the grass, with a bullet up his ass, take it out, take it out, like a good Girl Scout!"

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  • assembly — n. (pl. ies) 1 the act or an instance of assembling or gathering together. 2 a a group of persons gathered together, esp. as a deliberative body or a legislative council. b a gathering of the entire members of a school. 3 the assembling of a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • First call — is a bugle call with three distinct meanings.At a horse race, where the tune is also known as the Call to the Post, it is a signal that all mounts should be at the starting gate because the race is about to begin. The tune is usually sounded by a …   Wikipedia

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