Knobbed Russet

Knobbed Russet

The Knobbed Russet "Malus domestica" (also known as Knobby Russet, Winter Russet or Old Maid’s Winter Apple) is a large green and yellow apple with a rough and black russet and unusually irregular, warty and knobbly surface. It has soft and sweet creamy flesh and looks more like a potato than an apple. Knobby Russets are harvested in mid to late October and are in season between October and February/March. Originating in Sussex, England in 1819, the Knobbed Russet was first exhibited in 1820.


# [,,259578,00.html On the menu... knobby russet. An article in The Guardian] . Retrieved on 14 October 2006.
# [ Apple Varieties] . Retrieved on 14 October 2006.
# [ Comprehensive Apple Variety List] Retrieved on 14 October 2006.
# [ Apple Variety Descriptions] . Retrieved on 14 October 2006.
# [ Full list of apple varieties] . Retrieved on 14 October 2006.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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