

name = "Lambertia"

image_caption = "Lambertia multiflora"
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
ordo = Proteales
familia = Proteaceae
genus = "Lambertia"
genus_authority = Sm.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.|

"Lambertia" is a genus of flowering plants, belonging to the order Proteacea. It is endemic to Australia.The genus was named in 1798 by Sir James Edward Smith in honour of English botanist Aylmer Bourke Lambert.

The "Lambertias" are sclerophyllous shrubs or small trees. The common name, Wild Honeysuckle, is due to the flowers, which are asymmetrical with a long floral tube and tightly-rolled lobes, in red, orange, yellow and green.


There are ten species, nine of which are endemic to the South West, and one, "L. formosa", found in the Central Coast, Blue Mountains and Southern Highlands regions of New South Wales. They are as follows:

*"Lambertia echinata" R.Br. (Prickly Honeysuckle)
*"Lambertia ericifolia" R.Br. (Heath-leaved Honeysuckle)
*"Lambertia fairallii" Keighery (Fairall's Honeysuckle)
*"Lambertia formosa" Sm. (Mountain Devil)
*"Lambertia ilicifolia" Hook. (Holly-leaved Honeysuckle)
*"Lambertia inermis" R.Br. (Chittick)
*"Lambertia multiflora" Lindl. (Many-flowered Honeysuckle)
*"Lambertia orbifolia" C.A.Gardner (Round-leaf Honeysuckle)
*"Lambertia rariflora" Meisn. (Green Honeysuckle)
*"Lambertia uniflora" R.Br.


* [ FloraBase - the Western Australian flora - "Lambertia"]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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