Wulgrin II of Angoulême

Wulgrin II of Angoulême

Wulgrin II (also Vulgrin or Bougrin), called Taillifer or Rudel, was the Count of Angoulême from 1120 to his death in 1140. He was a son of Count William IV and he married Pontia de la Marche, daughter of Roger the Poitevin and Almodis, the daughter of count Aldebert II of La Marche. They have only one son, William V (VI). After the death of his first wife, Wulgrin remarried to Amable de Châtellerault and have three children: Fulk, Geoffrey "Martel" and an unnamed daughter.

He retook Blaye from William X of Aquitaine in 1127 and reconstructed the castle there in 1140.

The troubadour Jaufré Rudel may be possibly his son or his son-in-law.


* [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ANGOULEME.htm#Vulgrindied1140 FMG on Vulgrin/Wulgrin II of Angoulême]
* [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ANGOULEME.htm#PontialaMarcheMVulgrinIIAngouleme FMG on Pontia de la Marche]

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