Sabahattin Ali

Sabahattin Ali

Infobox Writer
name = Sabahattin Ali
imagesize = 150
caption = Sabahattin Ali
birthdate = Birth date|1907|2|25
birthplace = Gümülcine, Ottoman Empire
deathdate = Death date|1948|4|2
deathplace = Kırklareli, Turkey
occupation = Author, poet, journalist
nationality = Turkish

Sabahattin Ali (February 25, 1907 – April 2, 1948) was a Turkish novelist, short-story writer, poet, and journalist.

Early life

He was born in Gümülcine, Ottoman Empire, in 1907. He lived in Istanbul, Çanakkale and Edremit before he entered the school of education in Balıkesir. Then he was transferred to the school of education in Istanbul and got his degree in 1926. After being a teacher for one year in Yozgat, he earned a fellowship from the ministry of education and got education in Germany between 1928 and 1930. When he came back to Turkey, he taught German in Aydın and Konya high schools.

Later years

While he was a teacher in Konya, he was arrested for writing a poem criticizing Atatürk's policies, which was a slander of two other journalists. Being prisoner for several months in Konya and Sinop, he was released in 1933 during the tenth anniversary of the declaration of Republic of Turkey. Then he applied to the ministry of education for being a teacher again. After proving his allegiance to Atatürk by writing the "Benim Aşkım" (means my love, passion in Turkish), he was assigned in the division of publications in the ministry of education. He married in 16 May 1935 and did his military service in 1936.


After he released from prison in 1948, he encountered financial troubles. He applied for a passport however he was refused. It is said to be that he was killed at Bulgarian border by Ali Ertekin (an agent who was paid to pass him the border) on 2 April 1948. Another allegation is that Ertekin just handed him over to an information service, and he was killed during the interrogation.

It is believed he was killed because of his political opinions.


hort stories

* "Değirmen" (1935) (Mill)
* "Kağnı" (1936) (Oxcart)
* "Ses" (1937) (Voice)
* "Yeni Dünya" (1943) (New World)
* "Sırça Köşk" (1947) (The Glass Palace)


* "Kuyucaklı Yusuf" (1937) (Yusuf from Kuyucak)
* "İçimizdeki Şeytan" (1940) (The Devil Inside Us)
* "Kürk Mantolu Madonna" (1943). (Madonna With A Fur Coat)


* "Dağlar ve Rüzgâr" (1934 - Second Edition 1943). (Mountains and Wind)

ee also

* Turkish literature


* - [ "Biography of Sabahattin Ali"] tr icon
* - [ "Biography and works of Sabahattin Ali"] tr icon

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