- Reino Antero Hirvonen
Reino Antero Hirvonen (1908 – 1989) was a famous
Finnish physicalgeodesist , also well known forcontributions in mathematical and astronomical geodesy.He worked at first at the
Finnish Geodetic Institute under V.A. Heiskanen on gravimetric geoid determination. In 1950 he succeededHeiskanen as Professor ofGeodesy at theHelsinki University of Technology .He also took an active interest in astronomy, acting from 1956 to 1964 as avice president of the Finnish amateur astronomical society
Ursa .Awards
In 1967 he received the Kaarina and Weikko A. Heiskanen Award (
Ohio State University ).Publications
* Hirvonen RA (1934) The continental undulations of the geoid. Ph.D dissertation, Publications of the Finnish Geodestic Institute 19, Helsinki.
* Kukkamäki TJ, RA Hirvonen (1947) The Finnish solar eclipse expeditions to the Gold Coast and Brazil 1947. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute 44, Helsinki
* Hirvonen RA (1951) The motions of Moon and Sun at the solar eclipse of 1947 May 20th. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute 40, Helsinki.
* Hirvonen RA (1960) New Theory of the Gravimetric Geodesy. Publications of the Isostatic Institute of the IAG, 32, Helsinki.
* Hirvonen RA (1962). On the statistical analysis of gravity anomalies. Publications of the Isostatic Institute of the IAG, 37, Helsinki.
* Hirvonen RA and H Moritz (1963). Practical computation of gravity at high altitudes. Report No. 27, Inst. Geod. Phot. Cart. Ohio State Univ.
* Hirvonen RA (1964) Praktische Rechenforme1n für die dreidimensionale Geodäsie. Zeitschrift fuer Vermessungswesen 5, 145-151.
* Hirvonen RA (1971) Adjustments by Least Squares in Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Ungar, New York.
* Hirvonen RA (1976) Precise computation of the precession. Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute 80, Helsinki
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