

Family name
name = Presley

imagesize= 200 px
pronunciation = Presley
meaning = derived from "son of John"
region = English
origin = Anglo-Saxon
related names = Pressly, Pressley
footnotes = [ [ 1990 Census Name Files ] ]
The surname Presley and variants Pressley and Pressly are ultimately of English origin.Later, the name made its way across the border to Scotland and to the United States where it came to prominence in the person of Elvis Presley, the American music icon. Today Presley ranks as the 1,825 most common surname in the United States.

* Annette Presley, New Zealand businesswoman
* Brian Presley, American actor
* Elvis Presley, American musician
* Gerald Presley, Canadian bobsledder
* Gladys Presley, Elvis Presley's mother
* Harold Ray Presley, American law enforcement officer
* Hovis Presley, English comedian
* Jenna Presley, American porn star
* Jim Presley, American baseball player
* Kirk Presley, American baseball player
* Leo Presley, American footballer
* Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis Presley's daughter
* Priscilla Presley, Elvis Presley's wife
* Reg Presley, English singer/songwriter
* Sam Davis Presley, American sailor
* Sharon Presley, American activist
* Vernon Presley, Elvis Presley's father
* Wayne Presley, American ice hockey player

As a first or other name:
* James Presley Ball, American daguerreotypist
* Presley Chweneyagae, South African actor
* Presley Underwood Ewing, American politician
* Presley T. Glass, American politician
* Presley Neville OBannon, American soldier
* Presley Marion Rixey, American physician
* Presley Spruance, American merchant

Variants of the name:
* Ebenezer Erskine Pressly
* Jaime Pressly, American actress. (My Name Is Earl, Joe Dirt)
* Harold Pressley, former American basketball player
* Henry Roosevelt Pressley, blues and soul instrumentalist
* Janet Pressley, American singer/songwriter
* Robert Pressley, former NASCAR driver
* Steven Pressley, Scottish footballer


* [ Presley, UK Surname distribution search (1998)]

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