Ibrahim Al-Koni

Ibrahim Al-Koni

Ibrahim Al-Koni ( _ar. ابراهيم الكوني) is a Libyan writer and one of the most prolific Arabic novelists.

Born in 1948 in Ghadamis Oasis, Ibrahim al-Koni was brought up on the tradition of the Tuareg, popularly known as "the veiled men" or "the blue men." Mythological elements, spiritual quest and existential questions mingle in the writings of al-Koni who has been hailed as magical realist, Sufi fabulist and poetic novelist.

He spent his childhood in the desert and learned to read and write Arabic when he was twelve. Al-Koni studied comparative literature at the Maxim Gorky Literature Institute in Moscow and then worked as a journalist in Moscow and Warsaw.

By 2007, al-Koni has published more than 80 books and received numerous awards. All written in Arabic, his books have been translated into 35 languages.

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