Puteal Scribonianum

Puteal Scribonianum

The Puteal Scribonianum (Scribonian Puteal) or Puteal Libonis (Puteal of Libo), building in the Forum at Rome, dedicated or restored by a member of the Libo family, perhaps the "praetor" of 204 BC, or the tribune of the people in 149 BC. In its vicinity the praetor's tribunal, removed from the "comitium" in the 2nd century BC, held its sittings, which led to the place becoming the haunt of litigants, money-lenders and business people. According to ancient authorities, the "Puteal Libonis" was the name given to an erection (or enclosure) on a spot which had been struck by lightning; it was so called from its resemblance to the stone curb or low enclosure round a well ("puteus") that was between the temples of Castor and Vesta, near the Porticus Julia and the Arcus Fabiorum (arch of the Fabii), but no remains have been discovered. The idea that an irregular circle of travertine blocks, found near the temple of Castor, formed part of the puteal is now abandoned. See Horace, "Sat." ii.6.35, "Epp." i.19.8; Cicero, "Pro Sestio", 8; for the well-known coin of Lucius Scribonius Libo, representing the "puteal" of Libo, which rather resembles a "cippus" (sepulchral monument) or an altar, with laurel wreaths, two lyres and a pair of pincers or tongs below the wreaths (perhaps symbolical of Vulcan as forger of lightning), see C. Hulsen, "The Roman Forum" (Eng. trans. by J. B. Carter, 1906), p. 150, where a marble imitation found at Ubii is also given.



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