Luigi Oreglia di Santo Stefano

Luigi Oreglia di Santo Stefano

infobox cardinalstyles
cardinal name=Luigi Oreglia di Santo Stefano
dipstyle=His Eminence
offstyle=Your Eminence
See=Palestrina (suburbicarian), Ostia (suburbicarian)
Luigi Cardinal Oreglia di Santo Stefano (born July 9, 1828, Bene Vagienna, Italy; died December 7, 1913, Rome, Italy) was a cardinal of the Catholic Church in the late nineteenth century. He was Bishop of Ostia and Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals from 1896 until his death.

He was educated in Turin and became a priest in 1851. After that, he soon rose to become domestic prelate of Pope Pius IX by 1857 and was internuncio in Holland from 1863 to 1866. In May of that year he was elected titular Archbishop of Damietta and served as papal nuncio to Belgium from them until 1868, when he was moved to Portugal. He remained as nuncio until his promotion to the cardinalate when he was returned to Rome.

On December 22, 1873, Oreglia was created a cardinal by Pius IX and two years later he became Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences and Relics. He participated in the 1878 conclave that elected Pope Leo XIII and that pope elevated him to "camerlengo" on March 27, 1882. Although Oreglia was forced to relinquish to post a year later, he became camerlengo once more in 1885 and retained that post right up to his death twenty-eight years later. During this period he rose gradually to sub-Dean of the Sacred College by 1889 and to Dean by 1896.

When Leo XIII died in 1903, Cardinal Oreglia became the sole surviving cardinal elevated by Pope Pius IX. As therefore the "only" elector in the 1903 conclave with previous experience in electing a pope, and being the leader of the ultraconservative curial faction within the college who wanted a more intransigent pontiff than Leo was thought to have been, Oreglia is widely believed to have played a prominent role in the election of Giuseppe Sarto as Pius X. Indeed, some students of the papacy believe that without the guidance of Cardinal Oreglia, Cardinal Sarto would have chosen to "refuse" the papacy even when he had obtained 55 of the 60 available votes.

Oreglia retained his positions with the College of Cardinals right up to his death in 1913 at the age of eighty-five.

External links

* [ Biography (scroll down to #9)]
* [ Biographical information]

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