

Portamento is a musical term primarily denoting a vocal slide between two pitches and its emulation by instruments such as the violin, and in 16th century polyphonic writing refers to an ornamental figure. It is also applied to one type of glissando as well as to the "slide" or "bend" functions of synthesizers. (see main article glissando).

Vocal portamento

(1912), employs a more explicit notation.


In 16th century style, portamento is an anticipation figure, occurring on the off-beat. The portamento resolves stepwise, almost always downward. It may occur either once or multiple times in succession.

In multi-voice polyphony, the portamento figure is normally consonant. This embellishment is frequently found ornamenting suspensions, though almost never at the final cadence.

See also

* A glissando is a similar effect to portamento which moves in discrete steps; for example, dragging a finger over the keys of the piano.
* Vibrato is a repetitive oscillation about a single pitch that occurs in rapid cycles.
* Portato is a musical term denoting an articulation.


* Katz, Mark. “Portamento and the Phonograph Effect.” "Journal of Musicological Research" 25 (2006): 211–32.
* cite book
last = Gauldin
first = Robert
year = 1985
title = A Practical Approach to Sixteenth-Century Counterpoint
location = Long Grove, IL
publisher = Waveland Press

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