- Gode (woreda)
Gode is one of the 47
woreda s in theSomali Region ofEthiopia , named after its major town,Gode . Part of theGode Zone , available maps disagree on its exact location. According to theOCHA map for the Somali Region (copyright 2005), Gode is bordered on the south and west by theAfder Zone , on the west by theOromia Region , on the north by theFiq Zone , and on the east by Danan; theShebelle River forms the southern and eastern boundaries of the woreda. [ [http://www.ocha-eth.org/Maps/downloadables/SOMALI.pdf Map of Somali Region at UN-OCHA] (PDF file)] However, the map of the Oromia Region (copyright 2006) published by Disaster Prevention and Disaster Agency (DPPA) shows Gode further to the east, bordered on the south by the Shebelle River which separates it from Adadle, on the west by where the OCHA map places Gode (but the DPPA shows is divided into Misraq Imi and Gudis), on the north by Danan, on the northeast by theKorahe Zone , and on the southeast by Kelafo. [ [http://www.dppc.gov.et/downloadable/map/administrative/Atlas_Somali.pdf Map of the Somalia Region] (PDF file)]This woreda is primarily inhabited by the
Darod clan of theSomali people .Based on figures published by the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, this woreda has an estimated total population of 168,529, of whom 74,986 were males and 93,543 were females; 68,342 or 40.55% of its population are urban dwellers, which is greater than the Zone average of 25.2%. Information is not available for the area of Gode, so its density cannot be calculated. [ [http://www.csa.gov.et/text_files/2005_national_statistics.htm CSA 2005 National Statistics] , Tables B.3 and B.4. Rural population numbers are believed to be underreported for this Region.]
Reports of the parts of the Somali Region affected by flash floods in 2006 use the DPPA's description of the Gode woreda. Gode was very severely affected, and losses reported for this woreda include 10 deaths 333 hectares of cropland ruined. [ [http://www.dppc.gov.et/downloadable/map/Thematic%20maps/2006_Appeal_/Somali%20Flood/somalifloodaffected_november.jpgFlood Affected Areas and Population - Somali Region (November 2006)] Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Agency (accessed 26 November 2006)]
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