Thais St Julien

Thais St Julien

Thaïs St Julien is a native of New Orleans, and is argurably the South's foremost singer of Early Music. The soprano studied under Charles Paddock, Virginia MacWatters and Norma Newton, and is Co-Director (with Milton G Scheuermann, Jr) of the New Orleans Musica da Camera, which specialises in music of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and has toured throughout the Gulf South. She is also Foundress of Vox Feminæ, the female choral extension of the MdC.

Miss St Julien has also appeared with The New Opera Theatre (as Dido in "Dido and Æneas", her New York debut at Symphony Space, 1988), Pro Arte Chorale (Amor in a Concert Version of "Orfeo ed Euridice", opposite Derek Lee Ragin), Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra ("Messiah"), Great Neck Choral Society, International Dvořák Festival, Lyric Opera of Dallas, New Orleans Opera Association, Southwest Chamber Orchestra, Jefferson Performing Arts Society (Bach's "Magnificat"), etc.

In 1997, the soprano was Dircé in the Opera Quotannis "Médée", opposite Phyllis Treigle and D'Anna Fortunato, at Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center. This was the uncut, original "opéra-comique" version of the Cherubini masterpiece, and Miss St Julien was possibly the only singer in the twentieth century to sing the florid, difficult role complete and unadulterated.

She is the recipient of the 2007 Louisiana Artist Fellowship in Music.


* Cherubini: "Médée" (P.Treigle, Fortunato; Folse, 1997) Newport Classic

Musica da Camera Discography, on Centaur
* "Satires, Desires & Excesses" (1992)
* "Natus est" (1994)
* "The Cross of Red" (1996)
* "Maiden, Mother, Muse" (1998)
* "Les motés d'Arras" (Fithian; 2000)


* "Stagebill", March 1997.

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