193 BC

193 BC



By place


* Eumenes II of Pergamum appeals to Rome for help against the Seleucid king Antiochus III who is threatening to conquer Greece. The Roman pro-consul Titus Quinctius Flamininus supports the Roman championship of Greek autonomy in Anatolia.
* Flamininus is sent to negotiate with Antiochus III and warns him not to interfere with the Greek states. Antiochus does not accept that Flamininus has the authority to speak for the Greeks and only promises to leave Greece alone only if the Romans do the same.
* Flamininus attempts to rally the Greeks against Antiochus III and to counter the pro-Seleucid policy of the Aetolians. When the Aetolians call on Antiochus III for aid, Flamininus persuades the Achaean League to declare war on both parties. He also prevents Philopoemen from taking Sparta.
* In the mean time, the Spartan ruler, Nabis, moves to recover lost territory, including Gythium.
* Carneades of Cyrene moves to Athens to found the third or new Academy.


* Cleopatra I Syra, daughter of Antiochus III and Laodice, marries the Egyptian King Ptolemy V Epiphanes.




* Xiao He, prime minister of the early Han Dynasty in China who has been a key figure in Liu Bang's rise to power after the fall of the Qin Dynasty

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