- Pung cholom
The Pung cholom is a
Manipuri dance . It is the soul of ManipuriSankirtana music and ClassicalManipuri dance . The Pung Cholom is a unique classical dance ofManipur . This dance may be performed by men or women and is usually a prelude to theRas Lila . In this style, the dancers play the pung (a form of hand beatendrum ) while they dance at the same time. Dancers need to be graceful and acrobatic at the same time. They use these acrobatic effects without breaking the rhythm or flow of music. The dance is marked by a gentle rhythm, which gradually builds up to a thunderous climax.External links
Manipuri Literature Link
* [http://www.e-pao.net/epPageExtractor.asp?src=MeiteiMayek.meetei_mayek_Poems.html../ Poetry in Manipuri]
* [http://www.imphal.cjb.net/imProcessor.asp?id=Meetei_Mayek_Poems&Fld=.miscellany9default3&idFld=Miscellany&idsubFld=Poems&subFld=.miscellany9poem9default3&ShowPage=.miscellany9poem9mmPoem9default3 Contemporary Poetry In Manipuri]
* [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/seirangba_marup/ Seirangba Marup, the Yahoo Group of Manipuri Art and Literature]Resourceful Websites about Manipur and Manipuri
* [http://www.e-pao.net/ E-Pao]
* [http://www.kanglaonline.com/ Kangla Online]
* [http://www.manipuronline.com/ Manipur Online]
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