- Peel (tool)
A peel is a
shovel -like tool used bybaker s to slide loaves ofbread ,pizza s, pastries, and other baked goods into and out of anoven . It is usually made ofwood , with a flat carrying surface (like a shovel's blade) for holding the baked good and ahandle extending from one side of that surface. Alternatively, the carrying surface may be made ofsheet metal , which is attached to a wooden handle.A peel's intended functions are to:
*Carefully transfer delicate breads, pastries, et cetera into an oven where transferring them directly by hand could deform their delicate structure.
*Allow food to be placed further toward the back of an oven than could normally be reached by the baker.
*Keep the baker's hands out of the hottest part of an oven, or prevent the baker from burning their hands on the hot baked goods.Prior to use, peels are often sprinkled with
flour ,cornmeal , or milledwheat bran , to allow baked goods to easily slide onto and off them.There are peels of many sizes, with the length of the handle suited to the depth of the oven, and the size of the carrying surface suited to the size of the food it is meant to carry (for instance, slightly larger than the circumference of a pizza). Household peels commonly have handles around 15 cm long and carrying surfaces around 35 cm square, though handles range in length from vestigial (~6 centimeters) to extensive (~1.5 meters or more), and carrying surfaces range in size from miniature (~12 centimeters square) to considerably wide (1 meter square or more).
On the show
Futurama , Fry visits thepizzaria he worked at in 1999 (now an archeological dig). Thetour guide shows thepatron s a peel, suggesting it was used tospank unruly employees. Fry contradicts her, saying it was also used to move pizza, and killrats . (A running gag on the show is the sanitation at Fry's former place of employment)
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