Grab (tool)

Grab (tool)

A grab is a mechanical device with two or more jaws, used to pick things up or to capture things. Some types are:
*Roundnose grab: as in [ image]
*Clamshell grab: as in [ image]
*Orange-peel grab: as in [ image] : in Dutch they are called "poliep grijpers" = "polyp grabs".


* [ Big 2-jaw grab used for heavy salvage at sea] of the MV Tricolor
* [ Shelf-Basin Interactions / bottom grab recovery]
* [ Grab with 6 claws]
* [ 2-jaw clamshell grab]
* [ The Closing Process of Clamshell Dredges in Water-Saturated Sand]
* [ A clamshell type grab sampler for sediment]
* [ for picking up and weighing big coils of wire]
* [ Types of grab]

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