Jerome Isaac Friedman

Jerome Isaac Friedman

Infobox Scientist
name= Jerome Isaac Friedman

birth_date = birth date and age|1930|3|28
birth_place = Chicago, Illinois
death_date =
nationality = United States
field = Physics
alma_mater = Chicago
work_institution = MIT
doctoral_advisor=Enrico Fermi
known_for = Experimental proof of quarks
prizes= Nobel Prize in Physics (1990)

Jerome Isaac Friedman (born March 28, 1930) is an American physicist. He was born in Chicago, Illinois to parents who emigrated to the US from Russia, and excelled particularly in art while growing up. He became interested in physics after reading a book on relativity written by Albert Einstein, and as a result he turned down a scholarship to the Art Institute of Chicago to study physics at the University of Chicago. While there he worked under Enrico Fermi, and eventually received his Ph.D. in physics in 1956. In 1960 he joined the physics faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

In 1968-1969, he conducted experiments with Henry W. Kendall at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center which gave the first experimental evidence that protons had an internal structure, later known to be quarks. For this, Friedman and Kendall won the 1990 Nobel Prize in Physics. He is an Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Prof. Friedman is a member of the Board of Sponsors of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists [] .


*Friedman, J. I., Kendall, H. W., et al. [ "Experimental Search for a Heavy Electron"] , Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States Department of Energy (through predecessor agency the Atomic Energy Commission, (September 1967).
*Friedman, J. I. [ "Deep Inelastic Electron Scattering: Experimental"] , Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States Department of Energy (through predecessor agency the Atomic Energy Commission, (October 1971).
*Friedman, J. I., et al. [ "Neutral-current x-distributions"] , Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michigan State University, United States Department of Energy (through predecessor agency the Atomic Energy Commission, (June 1984).

External links

* [ Bibliographic Resources--Development of the Quark] , from the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, United States Department of Energy
* [ Nobel Autobiography]
* [ Friedman page at MIT]
* [ their pioneering investigations concerning deep inelastic scattering of electrons on protons and bound neutrons]
* [ Friedman Explains Role of Quarks in Killian Talk] , Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (April 1, 2001)
* [ Will Innovation Flourish in the Future?] -Opinion by Jerome Friedman, American Institute of Physics

NAME= Friedman, Jerome Isaac
SHORT DESCRIPTION= American Physicist
DATE OF BIRTH= 28 March 1930
PLACE OF BIRTH= Chicago, Illinois

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Jerome Isaac Friedman — (* 28. März 1930 in Chicago, Illinois) ist ein US amerikanischer Physiker. 1990 erhielt er zusammen mit Richard E. Taylor und Henry W. Kendall den Nobelpreis für Physik für Experimente der tiefinelastischen Streuung von Elektronen an Protonen und …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Jerome Isaac Friedman — (28 mars 1930 à Chicago, États Unis) est un physicien américain. Il est colauréat avec Henry Way Kendall et Richard E. Taylor du prix Nobel de physique de 1990[1]. Biographie Friedman naît à Chicago de parents émigrés russes. Dans un premier… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jerome Isaac Friedman — (28 de marzo, de 1930) es un físico estadounidense. Nació en Chicago, Illinois de padres que emigraron a Estados Unidos desde Rusia. Empezó a interesarse por la física después de leer un libro de relatividad de Albert Einstein, y por eso estudió… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • Jerome I. Friedman — Jerome Isaac Friedman Jerome Isaac Friedman (28 mars 1930, Chicago) est un physicien américain, prix Nobel de physique en 1990. Friedman naît à Chicago de parents émigrés russes. Dans un premier temps, il étudie l art (il avait été accepté pour… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jerome I. Friedman — Jerome Isaac Friedman (* 28. März 1930 in Chicago, Illinois) ist ein US amerikanischer Physiker. 1990 erhielt er zusammen mit Richard E. Taylor und Henry W. Kendall den Nobelpreis für Physik für Experimente der tiefinelastischen Streuung von… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Friedman, Jerome Isaac — Friedman , Jerome Isaac …   Scientists

  • Friedman , Jerome Isaac — (1930–) American physicist Chicago born Friedman was educated at the university in his native city and gained his PhD there in 1956. After spending three years in California at Stanford, Friedman moved to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology …   Scientists

  • Friedman, Jerome Isaac — ▪ American physicist born March 28, 1930, Chicago, Ill., U.S.       American physicist who, together with Richard E. Taylor (Taylor, Richard E.) and Henry W. Kendall (Kendall, Henry Way), received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1990 for their… …   Universalium

  • Jerome Friedman — Jerome Isaac Friedman Jerome Isaac Friedman (28 mars 1930, Chicago) est un physicien américain, prix Nobel de physique en 1990. Friedman naît à Chicago de parents émigrés russes. Dans un premier temps, il étudie l art (il avait été accepté pour… …   Wikipédia en Français

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