Jose Barraquer

Jose Barraquer

José Ignacio Barraquer (January 24, 1916; Barcelona, SpainFebruary 13, 1998; Bogotá, Colombia) was an ophthalmologist known to many as "the father of modern refractive surgery". Barraquer invented the cryolathe and microkeratome and developed the surgical procedures of keratomileusis and keratophakia. [ [ American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery] ] [ [ PubMed Central] ]

Barraquer was the son of Ignacio Barraquer, an ophthalmologist known for his contributions to the advancement of cataract surgery. [ [ Who Named It] ] In 1953, Dr. Barraquer emigrated from the family home in Spain to Colombia where, in 1965, he founded the Barraquer Institute of America. [ [ Istituto Laser Microchirurgia Oculare] ]


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