Amintore Fanfani

Amintore Fanfani

Infobox Prime Minister
name = Amintore Fanfani

order = Interim
President of the Italian Republic
term_start = June 15 1978
term_end = July 9 1978
predecessor = Giovanni Leone
successor = Alessandro Pertini
order2 = 67th, 65th, 52nd, 49th and 45th
President of the Council of Ministers of Italy
president2 = Francesco Cossiga
term_start2 = 17 April 1987
term_end2 = 28 July 1987
predecessor2 = Bettino Craxi
successor2 = Giovanni Goria
president3 = Francesco Cossiga
term_start3 = 1 December 1982
term_end3 = 4 August 1983
predecessor3 = Giovanni Spadolini
successor3 = Bettino Craxi
president4 = Giovanni Gronchi
Antonio Segni
deputy4 = Attilio Piccioni
term_start4 = 26 July 1960
term_end4 = 21 June 1963
predecessor4 = Fernando Tambroni
successor4 = Giovanni Leone
president5 = Giovanni Gronchi
deputy5 = Antonio Segni
term_start5 = 1 July 1958
term_end5 = 15 February 1959
predecessor5 = Adone Zoli
successor5 = Antonio Segni
president6 = Luigi Einaudi
term_start6 = 18 January 1954
term_end6 = 8 February 1954
predecessor6 = Giuseppe Pella
successor6 = Mario Scelba
order7 = Italian Minister of the Interior
primeminister7 = Giovanni Goria
term_start7 = July 28, 1987
term_end7 = April 13, 1988
predecessor7 = Oscar Luigi Scalfaro
successor7 = Antonio Gava
primeminister8 = Alcide De Gasperi
Giuseppe Pella
term_start8 = July 16, 1953
term_end8 = January 12, 1954
predecessor8 = Mario Scelba
successor8 = Giulio Andreotti
order9 = Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs
primeminister9 = Aldo Moro
term_start9 = February 23, 1966
term_end9 = June 24, 1968
predecessor9 = Aldo Moro
successor9 = Giuseppe Medici
primeminister10 = Aldo Moro
term_start10 = March 5, 1965
term_end10 = December 30, 1965
predecessor10 = Aldo Moro
successor10 = Aldo Moro
primeminister11 = "Himself"
term_start11 = May 7, 1962
term_end11 = May 29, 1962
predecessor11 = Antonio Segni
successor11 = Attilio Piccioni
primeminister12 = "Himself"
term_start12 = July 1, 1958
term_end12 = February 15, 1959
predecessor12 = Giuseppe Pella
successor12 = Giuseppe Pella
order13 = President of the Italian Senate
term_start13 = 5 June, 1968
term_end13 = 26 June, 1973
predecessor13 = Ennio Zelioli-Lanzini
successor13 = Giovanni Spagnolli
term_start14 = 5 July, 1976
term_end14 = 1 December, 1982
predecessor14 = Giovanni Spagnolli
successor14 = Tommaso Morlino
term_start15 = 9 July, 1985
term_end15 = 17 April, 1987
predecessor15 = Francesco Cossiga
successor15 = Giovanni Francesco Malagodi
birth_date = birth date|1908|2|6|df=y
death_date = death date and age|1999|11|20|1908|2|6|df=y
nationality = Italian
birth_place = Pieve Santo Stefano, Italy
death_place = Rome, Italy
party = Christian Democracy

Amintore Fanfani (February 6 1908 - November 20, 1999) was an Italian career politician and former interim President of Italian Republic. He was one of the most famous Italian politicians of World War II, and a historical figure of the Christian Democracy.


Fanfani was born in Pieve Santo Stefano, Tuscany to a large and humble family. He graduated in economics and business in 1930 from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. He joined the Italian fascist party. Later on, he wrote "The Defense of Race," the official magazine of racism in Italy. During the years he spent in Milan, he knew Giuseppe Dossetti and Giorgio La Pira. For thirty years, they held meetings to discuss Catholicism and society.

By September 8 1943, the group disbanded, and until the Liberation, Fanfani fled to Switzerland, where he organized university courses for refugee Italians. Upon his return to Italy, he was invited to Rome with Giuseppe Dossetti, newly elected vice-secretary of the Christian Democracy.'

Political career

Fanfani was elected to the Constituent Assembly, and was a member of the Commission that drafted the text of the new Republican Constitution: "Italy is a democratic republic founded on work." He was Minister of Labor from 1947-1948 and again from1948-1950; as well as Minister of Agriculture from 1951-1953 and Minister of the Interior in 1953. Fanfani was elected President of the UN General Assembly during 1965-1966; he is the only Italian to hold this office. He was President of the Senate from 1968 to 1973, and in March 1972 he was appointed senator for life. Fanfani became secretary of the Christian Democrats for a second time in 1973; and he led the campaign for the referendum on repealing divorce. The defeat of the divorce referendum provoked his resignation. From 1982 to 1983, Fanfani was President of the Council for a fifth time. From 1985 to 1987, he was President of the Senate again. From April to July 1987, he was prime minister for the sixth time. Fanfani was elected to the prestigious post of chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Senate from 1994-1996.

Fanfani died in Rome in 1999.


* [,9171,936914,00.html Out for the Big Win] , Time Magazine, May 26, 1958.
* Giulio Andreotti, "De Gasperi e il suo tempo", Milano, Mondadori, 1956.
* Nico Perrone, "Il segno della DC", Bari, Dedalo, 2002, ISBN 88-220-6253-1.
* Luciano Radi, "La Dc da De Gasperi a Fanfani", Soveria Manelli, Rubbettino, 2005.

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