Gabrielle Christian

Gabrielle Christian

Gabrielle "Christian" Horchler (born on July 30 1984) is an American actress. She currently portrays Spencer Carlin in The N original series "South of Nowhere". In addition, she has guest starred on "Drake & Josh", "Windfall", "Without a Trace", and "What Should You Do?".

Early life and career

Christian was born in Washington, D.C and grew up in Cheverly, MD. She has been in plays since age 8. Christian acquired her first acting job while she was attending high school at Eleanor Roosevelt High School located in Greenbelt, MD, on the television series "Young Americans". She studied theater at the University of Pittsburgh, and then relocated to Hollywood, California after landing roles on several television series.

Personal life

Christian helps her mother with the SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) organization. This organization was created by her mother after the loss of her son in 1991. She uses the surname Christian in memory of her brother. Her mother has written a book, often known as the SIDS "Bible". A poem Christian wrote, when she was 8, was featured in this book.

Christian became the spokesperson for another organization, [ FAIR Fund] , that works to engage youth in the areas of anti-trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual assault prevention. She hosts cocktail events to showcase jewelry made by girls participating in the JewelGirls program. []

Christian speaks fluent Hungarian and conversational French. She is engaged to her longtime boyfriend Justin; they plan to marry in May 2009.



External links

* [ Official Gabrielle Christian Website]
*imdb name|id=1724255|name=Gabrielle Christian

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