Dance recital

Dance recital

A dance recital is a performance of art where dancers performed cheoregraphed maneuvers in front of a silent audience. Dance recitals are usually done in opera houses or places of performing art and people usually dress up in either dress clothes or formal clothes, depending on the dress code of the establishment. People who do dance recitals are as young as 4 years of age and as old as senior citizens. After weeks of rehearsal, the performers go on the stage to perform complicated steps that takes months or even years to master. Dance can be done either competitively or for show.

Different kinds of dance recitals exists from sophisticated and artsy performances for adult audiences to elementary school performances based on beloved children's classics. Many dance recitals are seasonal while others can be fully appreciated year round. Dance recitals have never been done for halftime in the Super Bowl, because dance recitals do not directly match the demographics of the "National Football League".

Dance recitals in popular culture

* Dance recitals are stereotypically seen as boring and featuring abstract themes and confusing storylines.
* In the 4Kids TV cartoon "", Raphael compares a boring wrestling match in the 22nd century to a dance recital. One of the other turtles tries to distract him by offering to buy him a fishsicle, but Raphael climbs into the ring anyway.
* Homosexuals are stereotypically portrayed as overzealous fans of dance recitals and other performing art performances.

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