- Lysimachia
image_width = 250px
image_caption =Yellow pimpernel , "Lysimachia nemorum"
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Ericales
familia =Myrsinaceae
genus = "Lysimachia"
genus_authority = L.
subdivision_ranks =Species
subdivision = include:
"Lysimachia nemorum " (yellow pimpernel)
"Lysimachia nummularia " (creeping Jenny)
"Lysimachia vulgaris " (yellow loosestrife)"Lysimachia" is a
genus offlowering plant s. It is traditionally classified in the familyPrimulaceae but should, according to molecular phylogenetic study, be placed to the familyMyrsinaceae [Cite journal |quotes=no |author=M. Källersjö, G. Bergqvist & A. A. Anderberg |year=2000 |title=Generic realignment in primuloid families of the Ericales s. l.: a phylogenetic analysis based on DNA sequences from three chloroplast genes and morphology |journal=American Journal of Botany |volume=87 |issue=9 |pages=1325–1341 |doi=10.2307/2656725] .Characteristics
"Lysimachia" species often have yellow flowers, and grow vigorously. They tend to grow in damp conditions. Several species within "Lysimachia" are commonly called
loosestrife , although this name is also used for plants within the genus "Lythrum "."Lysimachia" species are used as food plants by the
larva e of some butterflies and moths, including theDot Moth ,Grey Pug ,Lime-speck Pug ,Small Angle Shades andV-pug .elected species
Species within the genus include:
*"Lysimachia atropurpurea " (purple gooseneck loosetrife)
*"Lysimachia ciliata " (fringed loosestrife)
*"Lysimachia clethroides " (gooseneck loosestrife) — a hardy perennial resembling a tallSpeedwell and growing up to 3 feet (1 metre). Flowers from July on to September. Grows best in deep, rich loam in a sheltered position.
*"Lysimachia fraseri " (Fraser's yellow loosestrife, endangered)
*"Lysimachia minoricensis "
*"Lysimachia nemorum " (yellow pimpernel)
*"Lysimachia nummularia " (creeping Jenny or moneywort) — extremely hardy, and easy to cultivate. The plants needs control, every piece of the creeping root will, if taken off, make a fresh plant. It spreads vigorously and can become aweed .
*"Lysimachia punctata " (spotted loosestrife)
*"Lysimachia sertulata " (Chilean melilukul)
*"Lysimachia quadrifolia " (whorled loosestrife)
*"Lysimachia terrestris " (swamp candles)
*"Lysimachia vulgaris " (garden or yellow loosestrife)References
External links
* [http://lakecounty.typepad.com/life_in_lake_county/2007/08/lysimachus-dog-.html Lysimachus' Dog & Nisaean Horses] - Informative but non-scholarly essay on Lysimachia & Lysimachus (Annotated with Sources).
*Pictures of [http://www.chilebosque.cl/herb/lysimachia_sertulata.html Lysimachia sertulata] .
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