- Academy of Finland
The Academy of Finland ( _fi. Suomen Akatemia) is a governmental
funding body forscientific research inFinland . It is based in the Finnish capital,Helsinki . Yearly, the Academy administers over 260 million euros to Finnish research activities. Over 5,000 researchers are working on the projects supported by the academy.The Finnish title of
Academician ("akateemikko") is an award given by thePresident of Finland to the most distinguished Finnish scientists, scholars and artists. It may also be bestowed on foreign scientists, scholars or artists who have contributed very significantly to Finnish intellectual life. At any time, there may be a maximum of 12 living scientific and scholarly academicians and eight living artistic academicians. The number of foreign academicians is not limited. The Academicians do not have any organizational connection to the Academy of Finland.The Academy of Finland should not be confused with the two Finnish learned societies,
The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (("Suomalainen tiedeakatemia") andThe Finnish Society of Science and Letters ("Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten") which are the two Finnish national honorary academies, for Finnish and Swedish-speaking scientists and scholars, respectively. For engineers, the two language-based honorary academies areFinnish Academy of Technology ("Teknillisten Tieteiden Akatemia") andSwedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in Finland ("Svenska tekniska veteskapsakademien i Finland").External links
* [http://www.aka.fi/ Academy of Finland website in Finnish] and [http://www.aka.fi/eng English]
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