Arnold Krumm-Heller

Arnold Krumm-Heller

Arnold Krumm-Heller (1876–1949) was a German doctor, occultist, Rosicrucian, and founder of Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua (FRA), a traditional Hermetic order that works in Brazil. Krumm-Heller was born April 15, 1876 and died in 1949 in Marburg, Germany.

He travelled to Latin America when he was quite young and he was distinguished in the army of Mexico as a military medical Colonel. In Mexico he began to methodically study occultism, gnosis and spiritualism, becoming familiar with the works of Helena Blavatsky, Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, Gerard Encausse and Eliphas Lévi.

He joined several esoteric and fraternal orders, including Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), and was a contemporary of Theodor Reuss (founder of the OTO) and of Spencer Lewis (Imperator of AMORC). He also knew Aleister Crowley and was greatly influenced by his mystical conceptions.

He also participated in Freemasonry in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite and the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Mizraím. In Peru he received the symbolic name of Huiracocha, by which he would be known in esoteric circles. Before passing away he started the FRA in Fraternitas Rosae Crucis (FRC), having become distanced from the both the O.T.O. and Spencer Lewis.

Aleister Crowley, while in Berlin showing his paintings, wrote in his diary for February 11 1932: " [Krumm-Heller] here with Peryt Shou".


External links

* [ The Invisible Basilica: Arnoldo Krumm-Heller] - a more complete biography
* [ Digital library in spanish]

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