

The river Bille is a small, slow-flowing river in Stormarn, Schleswig-Holstein, a right tributary of the Elbe. Its source is near Linau, north of the Hahnheide forest. It then flows south of Trittau, representing the border between Stormarn and Lauenburg, continues south of Reinbek and reaches the river Elbe near Billwerder. A lot of old estates and tasteful parks are laid out along its riverbank. Its total length is 65 km.

The Bille is one of three rivers which flow through the city of Hamburg, the other two being the Elbe and the Alster.


The upper Bille drains a wide catchment area with many brooks and small stretches of water. Main tributaries are the "Corbek" feeding the Bille near Witzhave and the "Schwarze Au" at Aumühle, having drained wide parts of the large Sachsenwald forest.


* "Grander Mühle", an ancient watermill at Kuddewörde, dating back to 1303
* "Schloss Reinbek", a castle from 1572
* "Schloss Bergedorf", a castle showing wooden truss and Brick Gothic

External links

* [ Lots of Information on Bille from the "Hamburg Department of the Environment"] (German)

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